Why am I getting headaches every morning? – The US Sun

MANY of us don’t need to have been out drinking the night before to wake up the following morning with a cracking headache.

Morning headaches are quite common. They can occur for a number of reasons.

 Morning headaches are common but it is vital to identify why they are happening


Morning headaches are quite common. However, it is crucial to recognize why they are occurring.Credit: Getty – Contributor

Persistent pain could be a sign of an underlying issue.

Let’s take a closer look at what it could mean.

What is a morning migraine?

A morning headache usually begins between 4am and 9am and often interrupts a sufferer’s sleep.

There are many ways to describe the pain, including a tension headache or cluster headache.

You may also experience paroxysmal headaches or overuse headaches.

Research has shown that people suffering from morning headaches are more likely to have sleep disorders.

Why are they happening?

You could wake up in the morning with a headache for many reasons.

Sleep disorders

Because the brain controls mood and sleep, the one that controls pain is the one you have.

One of the main causes of morning migraines is insomnia.

You may not get enough rest because the condition keeps you awake while you’re trying to fall asleep.

Your headaches may also be caused by other sleep problems such as sleepwalking, narcolepsy and sleepwalking.

Even if you’re not getting enough sleep, this could trigger headaches.

Chronic sleep loss can make headaches more intense as it lowers the pain threshold.

Many people with sleep disorders report that they also experience sleep movement disorders such as sleep bruxism, where people grind or clench teeth unknowingly while sleeping, and restless leg syndrome (where they feel extremely uncomfortable). “pins and needles”They feel a sensation in their lower limbs when they sleep, which is often accompanied by an intense desire to move them to get relief.

Morning headaches can be a sign that you have sleep apnoea. Many people don’t realize they have it.

The condition causes the blood vessels to narrow during the night, temporarily preventing breathing. This can cause headaches, fatigue, and snoring throughout the night.

Shift work

Research has shown that headaches in the morning may also be due to circadian rhythm disorders. These are when the body’s natural rhythms are disrupted. “body clock”shift work, etc.) is not available.

A misalignment in your body clock and when it’s actually asleep can cause you to get less sleep. This could lead to headaches when you wake.

This, as well as allergens in the bedroom or sleeping in an exceptionally cold room, can all wosrsen sleep quality.

Mental and physical health issues

Chronic morning headaches can also be caused by anxiety and depression.

Also, chronic headaches or migraines are often caused by medications such as aspirin, withdrawal effects from pain medications and ergots.

It is not surprising that headaches can also be caused by alcohol.

Headaches can sometimes be a sign of a more severe health condition. However, this is very rare. If you have other symptoms, it is worth talking to a doctor.

A brain tumour can cause headaches and vision, speech, or mental problems.

A headache can also be caused by stroke or high blood pressure.

When is it best to visit a doctor

Everyone has headaches from now on. According to the Mayo Clinic you should consult a doctor if you have headaches.

  1. Occur more frequently than usual
  2. Are more severe than normal
  3. With the right use of over-the counter drugs, you can make your condition worse or better.
  4. Restrict you from sleeping, working, or engaging in other normal activities
  5. Do they cause you distress? You would like to be able to control them.

If you have headaches, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

  • Trouble understanding or confusion of speech
  • Fainting
  • High fever (more than 102 F to104 F) (39 C to 40% C).
  • Paralysis, weakness or numbness in one side
  • Stiff neck
  • Trouble seeing
  • Trouble speaking
  • Trouble walking
  • If the symptoms are not directly related to the flu, hangover or nausea,

How do I quickly get rid of a headache?

It is important to drink enough water to avoid headaches.

These are some ways you can banish pain now:

  • Cold PackApplying a cold compress to your forehead can help reduce migraines. A towel wrapped with frozen peas or ice cubes can help reduce the pain. For 15 minutes, keep the compress on your head. Then take a 15-minute break.
  • Heating padYou can use a heating pad to reduce tension headaches. Warm a damp cloth over the sinuses if you are suffering from a headache. Warm showers might be able to help.
  • Take the pressure off your head.It can cause headaches if your ponytail is too tight. These are some of the things you should do. “external compression headaches”This can be achieved by wearing a hat, a headband, or swimming goggles that are too tight. This method is said to work almost immediately by some people.
  • Dim the lightsMigraines can be triggered by bright or flashing lights. If you’re prone to them, cover your windows with blackout curtains during the day and try to wear sunglasses outdoors. Your computer might also benefit from anti-glare screen.
  • Do not chew too hardChewing gum can damage your jaw and cause headaches. And it’s not just gum, as the same is true for chewing your fingernails, lips, the inside or your cheeks, or handy objects like pens. Avoid sticky or crunchy foods if you suffer from this condition. Also, make sure to eat only small amounts. A mouth guard may be recommended by your dentist if you grind your teeth late at night. It can help to reduce headaches early in the morning.
  • Get Some Caffeine: No, this isn’t a mistake. A small amount of caffeine can relieve headaches and even increase the effectiveness of prescription painkillers. Too much caffeine can cause sleep disruptions and headaches. Moderation is the key.
  • Yoga: Whether it is stretching, yoga, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation, learning how to chill out when you’re in the middle of a headache can help with the pain.
  • Limit alcohol:About one-third of people who suffer from frequent headaches can get migraines from alcohol. Numerous people have also found that it can trigger tension headaches and cluster headaches.

When should I visit a doctor?

However, not everyone suffering from headaches early in the morning will need to visit a doctor. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to see a doctor.

  • If you have more than one headache in a given week, it is a sign that your body is preparing for another.
  • It is common to experience recurring headaches in older people, especially those over 50 who have never had them before.
  • A severe or sudden headache that is accompanied with stiffness in the neck
  • Head injury-related headaches
  • A headache that isn’t related to another disorder may be accompanied with nausea, fever, vomiting, or both.
  • Headache characterized by confusion, weakness, double vision or loss of consciousness
  • Symptoms of headaches that change in severity or pattern suddenly
  • Children with chronic headaches
  • Headache that causes weakness or loss sensation in any part of the body
  • Seizures or headaches causing shortness of breathing
  • People with a history HIV/cancer may experience frequent headaches.
How to relieve migraines and headaches in just 2 minutes

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