White Lotus Season 2 Premiere Reveals Many Mysterious Deaths


Warning: This article contains spoilers The White LotusSeason 2.)

A few people have made the decision to leave the White Lotus.

It’s true: This is the opening scene from HBO’s Oct. 30 season 2 premiere The White Lotusconfirmed that multiple guests met their maker during their stay in paradise. However, this time around, the body count does not include a White Lotus resort manager. (Shout out to season one’s Armond.)

The episode kicked off with guest Daphne, played by The Bold Type‘sMeghann FahyShe gushingly relates her trip to White Lotus newcomers. “You’re gonna die,”She smiled. “They’re gonna have to drag you out of here.”

Daphne’s joy was short lived, as her last dip in the Ionian Sea featured an unidentified drowning victim. To make matters worse, when cops began investigating the scene, Valentina (Sabrina ImpacciatoreAn employee told a manager at the Sicilian site that he was “” “other guests have been killed.”

We were left to wonder, just like in season 1, who might be among season two’s victims.


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