What’s the difference between ATOL and ABTA? How can they protect your holiday? – The US Sun


HOLIDAYS are back, and Brits rush to soak up the sun, ABTA protection and ATOL protection come into play.

Both are frequently seen in advertisements for travel companies, but what is the difference?

What does ABTA and ATOL mean?

We often get caught up in the excitement of holiday planning and passport searching. However, it is important to ensure that you have adequate travel insurance.

Check with your holiday provider before you book.

ABTA stands to Association of British Travel Agents. This is the largest travel association. They enforce standards and provide insurance if companies go under.

ATOL, which stands for Air Travel Organiser’s Licence, is a similar concept.

 Holiday firms often say they are ABTA or ATOL protected


Holiday companies often claim that they are ATOL and ABTA protectedCredit: Getty – Contributor

You can buy both ATOL and ABTA-protected holidays from a firm. Both are options that your travel provider will choose to include in your overall protection plan.

If you cannot speak with your travel agent for more than 28 days, ABTA can also resolve your issues.

What’s the difference between ATOL protection and ABTA?

ATOL-protected vacations are packages that include flights. This is because the organization is specifically for air travel.

Monarch Holidays customers, for instance, were protected in the event that Monarch Airlines went bankrupt in 2017, because they had booked flights with a provider with ATOL certificate and a holiday.

ABTA protection does not cover holidays by rail, cruise, or self-drive. Package breaks that include flights are not covered.

This means that ABTA will be able help if a vacation package was missold.

While most travel agencies will offer ABTA protection to their clients, airlines will often opt for ATOL protection.

If your holiday deal seems too good to true, make sure you check the protection. If there are no ATOL or ABTA listed, then it is best to cancel the offer.

What does it mean to be ABTA protected?

ABTA offers protection in two areas: financial and legal.

Their legal protection means the company must sure that you get the holiday you paid for.

If you are mis-sold a holiday package, you may be able to receive a replacement holiday or a refund through ABTA.

You could file for compensation if you aren’t told there is construction work at your hotel, and it interrupts your holiday.

ABTA cannot help you with issues relating to the behavior of other guests, weather conditions or holidays that were more than 18 months ago.

If the provider of the package goes into administration, financial protection will be provided.

Customers who haven’t yet booked their holiday will receive a refund. Brits who are currently abroad will be returned to the UK through ABTA.

Several companies were criticised for handling refunds during the pandemic. They offered credit note options or rebooking instead.

ABTA responded by saying that the policy did not violate their guidelines. A provider may offer a refund credit note.

What does ATOL protected holiday actually mean?

ATOL protection only applies to packages that include flights.

Customers are protected for their holiday and flight when an ATOL-certified travel agency ceases to trade.

If they’re already on holiday, they can be flown home by ATOL with repatriation flights.

If you are still waiting to fly, you will receive a full refund.

Brits should have travel insurance to protect everything on their trip.

If you have any health issues or medication, it is essential to declare them.

Your personal holiday coverage will cover you in the event that your holiday is cancelled or canceled by the company.


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