What does the color of my poop look like?

Green poop could be a sign of your health in many ways.

Your poop color may change depending on what you eat, but a sudden change could indicate something more serious.

Your stools could give a lot of information about your health


Your stool can give you a lot of information about how your health is going

Why is my poop so green?

This is one of Britain’s most popular questions.

You may notice a green hue in your poo if you include lots greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli.

Blue foods like superfood blueberries can also make your poop look green.

Certain food colour dyes, like blue, purple and even black can make your stool green as they exit the body.

Also, bile can cause greenish poop. This is an indication that your liver is working well and your pancreas is functioning well.

Your green number two may also be associated with feeling sick and diarrhoea. This could be due to a bug in the gut such as salmonella, norovirus, or giardia.

They cause diarrhoea. Your poo may not pass through your intestinal tracts quickly enough or the bacteria responsible for turning it brown is killed.

Some medications can make your faeces turn green, such as some contraceptives, antibiotics and iron supplements.

Green poop is bad?

No, it’s not a big deal on its own.

It is a good sign to have green poo.

Bile is a substance produced by the liver to aid digestion. This can sometimes make your stool greener. It’s not a problem, just a healthy system.

If you are unsure, consult your doctor.

  • Although you feel unwell, your poo is turning green. However, you haven’t suddenly taken up a green veg blowout.
  • The consistency of your number twos has changed along with it becoming green, and you aren’t scoffing loads of greens.
  • You haven’t made any dietary changes and your usually brownish poo is suddenly green.
  • It is possible for your stool to turn green after a bone marrow transplant.

How can I stop green poop from growing?

It depends on the source of the green. Here are some factors to consider.

1. A balanced diet includes green vegetables, healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates.

2. Eat fermented foods such as kimchi or lemons to help your liver and gallbladder.

3. Take a probiotic to boost your gut bacteria. They contribute their own waste to yours, and generate the brown colour.

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