How do I get rid?

TRAPPED winds can cause discomfort and alarm. However, it’s perfectly normal.

Wind is common in the digestive system. Bacteria create wind when they digest food.

Excess trapped wind can cause unexpected and embarrassing farts


Excessive trapped wind can lead to embarrassing and unexpected fartsCredit: Getty – Contributor

What does it feel like to be trapped wind?

Trapped wind can feel different depending upon where it is located in your digestive tract.

You might feel bloated or uncomfortable in your stomach.

Trapped wind can cause you to feel full quickly, or make gurgling or rumbling sounds from your stomach.

Also, trapped wind can be extremely painful in the stomach, chest, and shoulder.

Sometimes, trapped wind symtpoms can be misunderstood for another thing.

People fear they may have a heart attack. This can include symptoms such as pain in the chest and jaw, neck, spine, arms, or shoulders, weakness, faintness, and shortness of breath.

Wind trapped in the abdomen lower down is often mistaken for gallstones, appendicitis or other problems.

Sometimes trapped wind can be a sign of a more serious problem. For example, persistent bloating is a sign of ovarian carcinoma.

Even though wind is not a common occurrence in their environment, some people are extremely sensitive to it.

Others, like IBS sufferers who experience more wind, are less common than the majority of people.

You might be farting or belching a lot. Most people fart at least 15 times per day and produce as much gas as two glasses of Coca-Cola. Certain medicines and illnesses can cause excessive wind.

Why am I getting trapped by the wind?

When you eat food, gases build up.

However, when you swallow water, food, or saliva, small amounts of air are also swallowed. This can cause problems in your digestive system.

Excessive flatulence can be caused by swallowing more air than usual or eating food that’s difficult to digest.

This causes pressure to the abdomen.

To get rid of the buildup, the body must urinate or fart.

Everybody has had to deal with trapped wind from time to time, often after a delicious meal.

It could also be an indication of an underlying condition such as IBS, food intolerance, or acid reflux.

How can I get rid of the trapped wind?

There are many home remedies that can be used to stop trapped wind.

First, examine your diet and lifestyle. Avoid foods that can create wind.

  1. Avoid fizzy drinks.
  2. To avoid air suckling, eat with your mouth shut and chew slowly.
  3. Reduce your intake of beans, Brussels Sprouts, broccoli and other foods that create a lot gas in your digestive system.
  4. It can be difficult for some people to digest dairy foods and fructose – this can lead to wind in those with intolerance.
  5. You should be careful with your intake of fried food, artificial sweeteners, and other foods that can cause digestive problems.

These are some remedies to trap wind:

  1. To pass wind, ginger and peppermint can be taken to relax your stomach muscles. Apple cider vinegar and fennel also work well.
  2. Warm water, herbal teas such as ginger, peppermint, or chamomile, can be taken.
  3. Half a teaspoon bicarbonate soda in half a cup of water
  4. Gentle exercise stimulates your body to move the wind through your system.
  5. Try some yoga poses and pay attention to your breathing.
  6. Some people find that lying on one side of the body helps release trapped wind.
  7. Lying down on your back, with your legs bent in the air, you can get wind moving.

If that doesn’t work, you can try some over-the-counter remedies like Rennie or Wind-eze to get rid of trapped wind.

Gentle exercise stimulates your body to move the wind through your system.

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