What are your 14 most unhealthy foods?


We all know that a good diet is important for our health. As the old saying goes, you are what your eat.

Your body may eventually pay for eating unhealthy food consistently.

How many of these foods do you eat regularly?


Which of the following foods do you regularly eat?

A poor diet is the cause of many illnesses. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes type 2, obesity and 13 types of cancer.

To maintain good health, a nutritious diet is essential. What are some foods we need to avoid, or cut back on?

1. Jam doughnuts

This sweet treat is not for the faint-hearted. Rob Hobson notes that it contains white flour and sugar, plus it’s deep fried.

“Just one jam doughnut contains around 330 calories and five teaspoons of sugar in a single serving, as well as being high in saturated fat.”

2. Sausages

“This processed meat product is high in saturated fat and contains large amounts of salt as well as additives such as nitrates and nitrites.

“The World Cancer Research Find has highlighted the fact that a diet high in processed meats such as sausages is a risk factor for colorectal cancer,” warns Rob.

When choosing sausages to serve at dinner, make sure you check their ingredients.

To ensure that you get the best results, make sure the meat is the highest quality and the sodium is the lowest.

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This can be done by using the traffic signal labeling – go for green.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is often touted for its health benefits, and as an alternative to other oils such as vegetable or seed oils. Rhiannon LambertThe Science of Nutrition by, a registered nutritionist who is also the author of The Science of Nutrition says that this food does contain saturated fats.

“We know that a high consumption of this kind of fat is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, so it’s important we keep our intakes within the recommended amounts of 20g of saturated fat for women and 30g for men.

“Of course, coconut oil is something that we can and should enjoy as part of a balanced, healthy and varied diet, but just be mindful of how much we are consuming and try to opt for healthier unsaturated fats from olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados instead.”

4. Cola

“This one is pretty obvious but liquid sugar is not good for your health,” says Rob, who adds that he advises his clients to avoid coke as much as they can.

“A single can of coke contains seven teaspoons of sugar. The calories contained in this and other sweetened drinks are empty as they contain no other nutrition and in excess can lead to weight gain and poor dental health.”

Fizzy drinks are best reserved for special events. Choose diet fizzys, since they contain less calories and sugar.

5. Fried chicken

A popular takeaway meal that might give your taste buds a treat, but it definitely won’t do your health any favours.

“Fried chicken is loaded with saturated fat which can increase your risk of heart disease.

“It also contains heaps of salt which can increase blood pressure when eaten in excess.

“Just two fried chicken drumsticks contain nearly 500 calories, 2.5g of salt and high amounts of saturated fat,” says Rob.

6. Fruit juices with sugar added

While a glassful of fruit-based juice is one of five daily servings and a great source of folate and vitamin C, which are both vital for good health and well-being, many fruit-based juices also contain added sugars on top the sugars that the fruits naturally provide.

Rob advises to check the ingredients on the product label. If you find added sugar, it’s best to choose another brand.

7. Breakfast cereals with sugar

“Breakfast cereals are fortified with nutrients and some are not that high in sugar which makes them an OK choice for breakfast as part of a balanced diet,” says Rob.

“However, some are more like puddings as they contain high amounts of sugar and even chocolate pieces. It’s best to steer clear of these ones.”

If you really can’t live without your favourite cereal, why not sprinkle a small handful over a bowl of porridge instead, so you still get a hit of the food you love?

8. Granola

“Often referred to as a healthy breakfast option, the reality is that granola can contain a lot of sugar, oil and in some cases, added salt,” explains Rhiannon.

“In fact, some granolas can have as much sugar as a standard dessert.

“Always check out the traffic light label on the front of the packet and the sugar on the back.

“To give you an idea, low sugar is considered to be less than 5g per 100g. Why not make your own?”

9. A bun with a microwaveable burger

“There is nothing healthy about this choice of meal; processed meat, white bun, salty sauce and processed cheese.

“It’s high in salt, saturated fat and it contains an ingredient list as long as your arm,” explains Rob.

Instead, make your own hamburger. It requires fewer ingredients plus you get to experiment with flavourings.

10. White sugar

“Another obvious choice but in the UK we eat way too much white sugar,” says Rob.

“Too much white sugar in the diet has been linked to weight gain and an increased risk of many diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.”

Can’t drink tea or coffee without adding teaspoons of sugar? Switch to sweetener. Over time, reduce the sugar amount by a little bit.

11. Breaded deep fried cheese

You may want to limit your consumption of cheesey snacks such as mozzarella sticks, halloumi deep-fried and cheese balls deep-fried.

Rob claims that this popular restaurant and buffet option is loaded in saturated fats and salt.

12. Flapjacks

“Some flapjacks are healthy but you need to check the label,” says Rob.

“Other flapjacks however, especially the overly processed ones, have a very long list of ingredients which goes beyond the simple recipe of oats, nuts and honey.

“Ingredients include palm oil, glucose syrup, butter and artificial flavourings.”

Some brands also offer huge flapjacks, which can be incredibly calorie-dense.

13. High-protein chocolate bars

“Just because something is high in protein does not mean it is healthy,” warns Rob.

“Many chocolate bar brands are now producing high protein versions but while they may contain up to 20g protein, they are high in sugar (around three teaspoons) and contain high amounts of saturated fat.”

To get protein, opt for lean proteins such as fish, chicken, tofu, or turkey.

Still hungry? You can satisfy your sweet craving with a small chocolate bar.

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14. White chocolate

Rhainnon cautions that sugar content in chocolate can be very high, especially for milk and white varieties. “This gives them that sweet taste and helps remove the bitterness that dark chocolate has.

“A higher intake of added sugar can cause oral health problems with our teeth, and, as I discuss in Nutrition Science, if too much sugar is consumed as part of a diet that is too high in calories this can have negative implications on our overall health.”


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