We now know how Spider-Man and Venom are linked


Morbius is the next Marvel story to hit theaters, but it’s not an MCU adventure. Instead, this is another installment of the SSU, Sony’s own universe of stories that relate to Spider-Man. The film is out on April 1st, but Sony is dying to link the film to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and to Venom. It is the MCU’s ability to weave stories together that made it one of the best cinematic experiences. It’s how world-building works, and that’s what Sony is trying so hard to accomplish.

However, the leaked information was not immediately available. Morbius post-credits scenes imply that Sony doesn’t care that much about potential plot spoilers that can ruin its nascent SSU. We’ve already looked at the post-credits scenes, and now we have more information about the connections between Morbius, Venom, and MCU Spider-Man movies.

Before we can tell you, you need to know this. Massive spoilers follow below.

The MorbiusPost-credits scenes were leaked from France where the film had already premiered. As I’ve explained, they’re incredibly strange and seem to defy logic.

For some reason, Michael Keaton’s Vulture moves to the Morbiusuniverse when Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch, casts the final spell. No Way Home. It’s the spell that brought Venom (Tom Hardy) back to his own timeline while leaving a part of the symbiote in the MCU.

If that’s not enough to trigger your plot hole Spidey sense, you should also know that Adrian Toomes will behave incredibly strange in that reality. He’ll want revenge against Spider-Man, and he’ll recruit Morbius (Jared Leto) to help.

Jared Leto playing Dr. Michael Morbius in Sony’s Morbius. Source: Sony

Is Venom found in the same universe with Morbius as Venom?

We heard from a leaker before the post-credits leak. Morbiusis part of an independent universe. That’s not necessarily surprising for the SSU. So far, we have three realities where Spider-Man exists: Tobey Maguire’s timeline, Andrew Garfield’s timeline, and Tom Holland’s timeline, which is part of the MCU.

Sony may choose to show different worlds in the SSU. This could eventually lead to an epic. No Way Homesequel, where Spider-Man variants could face off against the Sinister Six.

However, MorbiusIn an interview, director stated that Venom and Morbius coexist in the same reality. Yes, we did. VenomEaster egg in the MorbiusTrailers make sense,

The news is directly from Morbius director Daniel Espinosa. He Submitted CinemaBlendThis is true. In other words, the mystery was just solved and it comes straight from the horse’s mouth.

Moreover, the director also said there’s a Spider-Man version in this universe, though he didn’t say which one. The director teased that audiences might soon discover it.

What about Vulture, you ask?

Apart from tackling the Spider-Man and Venom connections, MorbiusVulture was also addressed to director. He also confirmed that Vulture moves from the MCU into this universe at the conclusion of the MCU. No Way Home.

Espinosa says it seems like anyone can travel between Spider-Man universes. But that’s absolutely not the case. And it can turn into a big plot hole, considering the particularity of Strange’s spell in the MCU.

It’s unclear why the spell backfired and took Toomes from the MCU to this Venom-and-Morbius universe. And, while we’re at it, we have no idea why Toomes is so keen on revenge.

Vulture is also recruiting for possible a team. Sinister Six movie.

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