Wardrobe malfunctions are some of the most awkward and embarrassing talk shows ever


Wardrobe malfunctions are some of the most awkward and embarrassing talk shows ever

A game of “Say Anything”With Jimmy Fallon, late-night television’s host, comes with its own set if precautions. Rosamund Pike was Oscar nominee and appeared on “The View.”The Tonight ShowShe also had to hold together her black dress for the occasion in 2017 It was during “Say Anything,” a bizarre word association game that included downing shot glasses of a Jägermeister liqueur and pineapple juice concoction dubbed Surfer On Acid when Pike’s garment played havoc with the “Gone Girl” star. “I might have just fallen apart from behind,”Pike stated that she felt her back being exposed to studio air as soon as she felt it. “My dress might have split.”

Pike seemed to not be concerned about the wardrobe error, and even joked with Fallon that Fallon might be privy of a peep show. Fallon responded, “You’re a gentleman!” “I won’t look. I’m not even wearing pants, so this is good.” Those hoping for a public inspection of both celebrities’ attire were sadly disappointed when the chat resumed as close to normal as a fashion foul-up would allow.

Pike wasn’t the first person to experience a wardrobe malfunction. At the AFI London Film Festival 2016, she told Magic RadioHer dress was damaged just moments before she was scheduled to walk the red carpet. She had to have it repaired right away. Cool girl is always cool.


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