Waiters are puzzled when an lady orders two cups of coffee every day but only drinks one


No one at the cafe understood why that old lady always ordered two cups of coffee and only drank one.

Golden Goose Coffee Shop employees were used to seeing an elderly woman in frailty come in every Saturday to get two cups of espresso. This might seem odd, but she sat by herself and no one joined her.

Waiters are puzzled when an lady orders two cups of coffee every day but only drinks one

Her second cup of coffee was left unfinished and untouched on her table. The Golden Goose’s new manager found her irritating and sat by herself, talking over her coffee.

The extra cup of coffee was a special message.

He asked one of the older waiters, Toby, who had been working for the Golden Goose for twenty years how long the woman had been coming to the cafe. “Oh, she was a regular when I started working here,”The man said: “and I think for twenty years before that!”

“Well, I don’t like it!”The manager cried. “It brings down the tone of the Golden Goose having a crazy woman sitting at that table for hours!”

At 11:00 am on Saturday, the elderly lady entered the cafeteria and ordered two cups of coffee. Toby took her order and ran to complete it.

“Is she back?”Crossly, I asked the manager. “I’m keeping an eye on her. If she disturbs the other customers, I will run her off!”

A young couple walked in just as the old lady was about to leave and sat down at the table. The manager saw that the girl was unhappy. “Here again?”She asked the young man. “I’m sick of this place!”

Sometimes the right words at the right moment can turn our lives around.

“But I thought you liked the waffles and the coffee here…”The young man spoke.

She ordered two cups of coffee | Source: Unsplash

Source: Unsplash| Source: Unsplash

“Well, Corey, once in a while I’d like you to take me somewhere a little classier!”She snapped.

The young man blushed with scarlet. “Wanda, you know I’m doing my best, but things haven’t been easy…”

“They haven’t been easy since I met you!” Wanda said. “Are we ever going to get married?”

The next table was occupied by a young couple | Source: Unsplash

“Wanda,”Corey spoke softly. “you know I’d marry you in a heartbeat, but I want to give you more.”

“When?” asked Wanda angrily. “When are you going to give me more? Because let me tell you, Corey, I deserve more.”

“I know you do, Wanda, “Corey was still speaking when the elderly lady sat at her table, interrupted and got up.

Waiters are puzzled when an lady orders two cups of coffee every day but only drinks one

“Let me tell you, Corey, I deserve more.”

“Excuse me,”She spoke. “Please forgive me for intruding, but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation and it reminded me so much of my last talk with my fiancé…

“I wanted to marry, too. I was tired of waiting and counting pennies. I promised him that if I didn’t get my act together, I would find someone who could provide me with what I needed. I repeated the same words to him, “I deserve more.””

“Lady, look!” said Wanda, “It is your business, not mine…” The old woman placed a gentle hand on Wanda’s shoulder.

“I don’t want you making the same mistake as I did.”

“My dear, I don’t want you making the same mistake as me. I told my fiancé that I’d meet him here the next Saturday and that he’d better be ready to marry me. I arrived, ordered my coffee, and he didn’t show up.

“I was so angry…But when I got home, his best friend was there, waiting for me. He told me my fiancé had taken on a dangerous job that paid double — and because he was inexperienced, he made a mistake. He died.”

“He died?” Wanda asked. “Just like that?”

Waiters are puzzled when an lady orders two cups of coffee every day but only drinks one

“Yes. I’ve lived with that pain and regret for the last 45 years,”The woman replied sadly. “So I come here every Saturday and order two coffees. I dream he’ll come through that door…Don’t make my mistake, my dear.”

Wanda was overcome with emotion as the elderly lady walked out of the cafe. She turned to Corey with her arms extended and hugged him. “Oh Corey,”She whispered: “I’m sorry! I love you so much. All I want is to be with you, right here, where we are now.”

The grumpier manager, who had been listening and watching the whole thing, was overcome with emotion when he handed orders to Toby.

What can we take away from this story?

  • What matters is love, not luxury and status. The old lady’s fiancé wanted to give her what she wanted and it cost him his life.
  • Sometimes the right words at the right moment can turn our lives around. Wanda realized the importance of Wanda’s life after hearing her story.

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This account is inspired by our reader’s story but written by a professional writer. To protect identities and preserve privacy, all names have been changed. Tell us your story, it might just change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to [email protected].