Video Goes Viral After She Kicks A Sea Lion off Her Boat into Orcas Circle and The Viewers Say It’s Brutal


Video Goes Viral After She Kicks A Sea Lion off Her Boat into Orcas Circle and The Viewers Say It's BrutalA woman who has been called “the Karen of the seas” caused outrage online after she told a sea lion to get off her boat. The sea creature found refuge on her boat after a group of orcas tried to catch it.

In a viral video, a woman shared her experience with a sea lion that decided to seek refuge on her boat. The woman tried to lift the animal from her boat and get it back in the water. This behavior caused a lot of debate online.

The video shows at least three orcas swimming under the boat. As the woman tried to convince the sea lion to leave her boat, many knew almost certain death awaited the animal.


A user called @nutabull originally posted the video, but it was removed from TikTok. Now, commenters have reignited its popularity on Twitter, and there are varying opinions.

The video shows a terrified sea lion and the boat’s captain as she panicked and asked: “Did you see what just came up on my boat?” It is believed the incident took place this month near Vancouver Island, close to the Canadian Pacific coast.

they are calling her the Karen of the seas 😭

— Calynn is meeps 2.0 (@meepspeaks) September 25, 2021

Sea lion climbs aboard a boat to escape orcas circling in the water | Photo: Twitter/keyon

THE HEATED ONLINE REACTION A user called @nutabull originally posted the video, but it was removed from TikTok.


She also told the animal: “You gotta go!” Before concluding the video by saying: “I don’t know what to do.” People could not believe the woman didn’t attempt to save the sea creature from the orcas.

One user wrote: “You have a chance to [be] a hero for that animal.” Orcas are known to be intelligent predators that don’t stop until they get to their desired meals. They can even tip over small boats by working together.

The woman shows compassion by helping the seal to get out of her boat. Who would want to die being tossed around by orcas and torn apart by them? Don’t tell me it’s nature; she and her boat were in the middle of it.

— Nadia (@NadiaVn26) September 26, 2021


Users pointed out that the woman should have turned on her engine and driven herself and the seal to safety. Someone expressed: “You’re on a boat. How about start the engine and move away?”

However, some netizens stated it was illegal to switch on boat engines when orcas were close by. This is because the orcas, who are an endangered species, could be hurt in the process.

She could’ve tried to save it, but I get that her boat is tiny and could easily get flipped over 🪦 rip

— strawberry🧡💚|🐰💥 (@strawbe38427107) September 26, 2021


Many people also sided with the woman and indicated it was the “circle of life.” A user said: “That’s what the whales eat!! What else is she supposed to do??”

Despite this, the heated debate continued, and an array of viewers remained adamant that the woman acted incorrectly. Many netizens were also interested in the story and wanted to know if the sea creature was OK.