Under a new crackdown, murderers who kill ex-partners could face harsher punishments


A new crackdown will put even more time behind bars for vengeful men who kill their ex-girlfriends.

Under proposed laws, people who kill after a separation and those with a long history of coercive or controlling behavior will receive even more prison time.

Bitter men who murder their exes will face even more jail time under new plans


New plans will increase the punishment for men who murder ex-partners.

The maximum sentence for killers is 25 years. The Future of Yourself.

This would close a loophole that allows domestic abusers to get away with less sentences than those who murder on the streets.

A partner, former lover or family member is responsible for one out of four murders.

As a result of the changes, those who murdered Ellie Gould or Poppy Waterhouse after their marriage ended would face longer prison sentences.

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The response is part and parcel of the Wade Review Council Guidelines on Domestic Homicides may be revised and made more strict.

Clare Wade KC found that of the 42 murders she reviewed, 51 per cent involved controlling or coercive behavior. 60 per cent were marked by excessive violence (or overkill), with all cases but one involving men as the perpetrators.

Nearly half of all divorces (48%) were partly caused by jealousy and resentment after the breakup of the relationship.

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk said to Central Recorder that “every woman has a right to terminate a relationship.”

The sad truth is that some people pay the price of their actions – they are brutally killed by an ex-partner in a last act driven by jealousy and selfishness.

“Like Ellie Gould and Poppy Devey Waterhouse – talented young women whose bright futures were cruelly and callously ripped away.

Murders such as these rank among the worst crimes that our criminal justice system has to deal with.


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