Uncover the Top Traitors in Season 2 – Exclusive Insider Analysis

Who Are the Traitors in ‘The Traitors’ Season 2?
The True Nature of ‘The Traitors’ Unveiled

The best part about The Traitors on Peacock is watching the chosen traitors keep their identities a secret, lest they be found out and banished from the house at the nightly roundtable event. And in Season 2, the treachery is certainly afoot with three traitors chosen in the first handful of episodes. So, who are the traitors in The Traitors Season 2? They might have it in them to turn on each other when the time comes.

The Traitors Season 2 Cast: Phaedra Parks, Parvati Shallow, and Dan Gheesling

Meet the Traitors of Season 2

Besides Dan, the Season 2 traitors in The Traitors are Phaedra Parks and Parvati Shallow. Phaedra is named as a traitor the same time Dan is and, together, they make the choice to get rid of Johnny Bananas. Later, they agree to add Parvati to the mix. This means there are three traitors in the midst almost from the very beginning, and they each have experience with backstabbing on reality TV.

Dan’s Strategy and Adaptation in ‘The Traitors’

When we spoke with Dan about playing in two seasons of Big Brother and then this, he revealed that competing on The Traitors forced him to rethink his entire plan.

“I just kind of leaned on experience,” he told us. “So I essentially just ran the same playbook of both seasons of Big Brother. Develop relationships, and then, when the time happens down the road, like, leverage a relationship or surprise the heck out of someone.”

He added that, once he realized how the game should be played, he knew he had to throw his original playbook out the window.

“Towards the end of the third episode, [it] kind of hits me like, alright, this is a completely different game,” he told us. “You can’t play chess anymore. It’s time to start playing poker.”

Uncovering the Roles of Banishment and Murder in ‘The Traitors’

When the traitors meet in secret each night, they decide which player they want to secretly “murder” by having a letter sent to them in private. A banishment, however, is something that all of the other players have a say in. They discuss their suspicions at the roundtable and then, one by one, the players vote for who they believe is a traitor and should go home.

In both instances, the player in question is booted from the game. However, with players in control of who is banished, it’s a team effort of sorts to get one person out and keep the prize money safe.

Stay tuned to discover the explosive dynamics of The Traitors Season 2, exclusively on Peacock.

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