Uncover the Shocking Truth: Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s OnlyFans Account Revealed


Is Gypsy Rose Blanchard Really on OnlyFans?

Days after Gypsy Rose reportedly announced that she and her husband had broken up on her private Facebook page, an OnlyFans page claiming to be her showed up online. The Blast was the first to report the news and shared a screenshot of the page, which included Gypsy Rose’s name and location, as well as a link to her e-book and a photo of her. The subscription apparently cost $50 a month.

There had been much speculation that the account was a scam, and a few days after the news of the account became public, Gypsy Rose came out and confirmed that it wasn’t her.

“I do not have an OnlyFans,” she said. “Whatever is going around with OnlyFans, that’s not me. I would never do that.” Whoever is behind the account is likely just trying to earn some money based on Gypsy Rose’s wide name recognition.

Can Gypsy Rose Blanchard Get a Job?

While the OnlyFans account may not have been hers, many wondered what Gypsy Rose has been doing for money following her release from prison. Although it may have been slightly out of character for her to start an OnlyFans, it would have made sense from a financial perspective as a potential way to make a living.

There’s nothing legal preventing Gypsy Rose from getting a job. Recently released inmates are often required to find work as a condition of their parole, even though it can be difficult for ex-felons to find places that are willing to hire them.

While it isn’t clear whether Gypsy Rose currently has a job, she did say shortly after her release from prison that she had certain careers in mind.

“I like to do people’s hair. I like to do makeup. I’m a total girly girl. So, you know, I might want to do something in retail kind of shop that I really like and enjoy. Also, I might get discounts which would be cool,” Gypsy Rose said during a press conference.

Gypsy Rose also said, though, that she wasn’t planning to hurry into the job market after her release.

“Right now, my life is way too hectic for a nine to five going forward,” Gypsy Rose said in January. “I think that, you know, I might get a little bored not having a day-to-day job. So, I might want to have one. Right now, I’m not wanting one. I’m not wanting to take that on.”


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