UK now has NINE Omicron Covid mutation cases. Restrictions have been reintroduced to stop the spread


The UK now has NINE confirmed cases Omicron mutant Covid variant Omicron cases. This is after six infections were reported in Scotland today.

Officials are scrambling to stop this worrying variant from spreading.

Omicron has hit the UK with ministers bringing back some Covid restrictions to stop the spread


Omicron has reached the UK. Ministers have brought back Covid restrictions to stop it spreading.Credit: Reuters

It arrived in the UK less than a week after it was first reported in Africa.

Three cases of the new Omicron variant had already been identified in England – although officials fear that means hundreds could already be infected.

Sources from the Government claim that there are over 150 additional infections in the UK.

According to the Scottish Government, four of the Covid-19 Omicron variants cases in Scotland were found in the Lanarkshire region. Two are located in the Greater Glasgow or Clyde areas.

Humza Yousaf (Scotland’s Health Secretary) said that “This will be an alarming time for the six individuals now identified as having this variant.”

“All will receive expert assistance and support. Public Health Scotland will enhance contact tracing in every case.

🔵 Read our Omicron variant live blog for the latest news & updates

It’s as follows:

“This will allow us to determine the source of the virus as well as any other people they have been in contact with over the past weeks.

There is much more to be learned about the Omicron variant. Scientists are still working fast to answer questions about the severity of the disease, its transmissibility, and how it responds to vaccines or treatments.

“Until more is known we must be cautious and do everything we can to minimise the risk of spreading infection.”

He said: “We have already made steps and are aligning ourselves with the new border restrictions being implemented by the UK Government. This will require fully vaccinated arrivals take a PCR test within 2 days of arriving and then self-isolate until a negative results is received.

“These measures will be introduced as soon as possible and kept under constant review. However, we reserve the right to go further if necessary. We are also adopting the expanded red list of countries identified by the UK Government. This will also be kept under review.”

He indicated that Omicron-susceptible contacts will be advised for self-isolation for a minimum of 10 days. This is regardless of vaccination status.

Ministers and scientists are hurriedly working to know just how contagious and dangerous Omicron is.

UK now has NINE Omicron Covid mutation cases. Restrictions have been reintroduced to stop the spread

After it was revealed that the latest confirmed case had visited the UK before, there were extensive contact tracing efforts in Westminster.

As infections and hospitalisations continue to rise, Mr Javid has sofar rejected calls for an additional lockdown. “nowhere near”The required level.

Yesterday, he spoke of people “should continue with their plans for normal as Christmas”But be warned! “irresponsible”to ensure that there are no future restrictions.

Boris Johnson presented a variety of measures on Saturday to slow down the spread.

Brits are now required to wear masks in shops, public transport and other places. Anyone who has come into contact with someone who is positive for Omicron should be isolated for 10 days.

Travellers arriving in the UK from anywhere in the world must take a PCR test by the end of their second day in the country and self-isolate until they receive a negative result.

Elsewhere, today’s minister admitted that the UK “can’t stop”Omicron’s spread.

UK now has NINE Omicron Covid mutation cases. Restrictions have been reintroduced to stop the spread

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