Tulsi Gabbard Leaves Democratic Party with a Scathing Video Citing “Wokeness”, Warning of Nuclear War


Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said she’s leaving the Democratic Party in a sharply worded videoTweeted by TwitterEarly Tuesday, the White House and Congress were attacked by the party that controls them. “an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness,”Who are they? “dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”

She accused the party that she represented Hawaii as a member of Congress in 2013-2021 of divisiveness. “by racializing every issue ​and stoke anti-white racism,”Those members are the party’s leaders “actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms​ that are enshrined in our Constitution,”These are generalities only.

Gabbard also attacked Democrats for being a joke. “hostile to people of faith and spirituality,”Although Biden is a committed Catholic and regularly attends church, she is also a devout Catholic. Gabbard has also been a frequent critic of Islam, and while sheThis was in Congress, appeared multiple times as a guest on Fox News, criticizing former President Barack Obama for refusing to say that the nation’s “real enemy” was “Islamist extremism.”

Former vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee also attacked party members. “demonize the police, but protect criminals at the expense of law abiding Americans” and said that they”believe in open borders.”

The most shocking accusation she made was that party leaders were to blame. “weaponize the national security state to go after their political opponents, and above all, who are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”

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Gabbard was a long-serving member of the Hawaii National Guard and was criticized for wearing uniform in a campaign advertisement. She claimed to be an anti-war candiate. A series of false stories claiming she had Russian ties also made Gabbard the target.

“I believe in a government that’s of the people, by the people and for the people,”Gabbard spoke in her video Tuesday. “Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government that is of, by and for the powerful elite.”

Gabbard, who In 2021, a podcast about politics was launchedAccording to her, she was “calling on my fellow common sense, independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that the so-called ‘woke’ Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.” She didn’t, however, identify her political destination.

Andrew Yang, an ex-Democratic presidential candidate, has also left Democrats. He created a new political party called The “Forward Party,”In an effort to appeal voters who think the two major parties are not representative of their views, he has billed his party as a more centrist party.

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