Tucker Carlson appears to trash Fox News colleague who debunked Ukraine’s Bioweapons Conspiracy Theorie (Video).


On Thursday’s episode of his Fox News show, Tucker Carlson let forth quite a rant bashing unnamed reporters who have debunked a ludicrous, pro-Russia conspiracy theory he keeps plugging on his show. What’s on his list? Jennifer Griffin, national security correspondent, is apparently one of his coworkers.

Tucker Carlson has spoken out several times over the last few weeks about one lie Vladimir Putin used to justify his invasion. It was that the United States funded bioweapons research for Ukraine. Tucker Carlson seems to believe this is true or at least possible, but it actually isn’t true. It was actually the opposite.It is known that the U.S. has supported efforts to safely transform old buildings Soviet-era bioweapons labsUse for benign purposes

This nonsense is still being refuted by multiple reporters with opposing ideologies, even Fox News. But on Thursday’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,”Tucker Carlson stepped up and directly accused those reporters, in fact, of lying for the U.S. government. He then shifted to the less inflamatory suggestion that they were all stupid hacks or cowards.

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One telling aside: He appears to have included Griffin in the accusations and insinuations.

“You know that the Pentagon talking points you saw reported as fact on television today — and last night — were an utter lie. Did the reporters who repeated those talking points verbatim know that they were a lie? Maybe they did. On the other hand, how would they know? They didn’t bother to do any reporting what. So. Ever,”Tucker Carlson said it with an angry scowl.

“They got a text from some Biden administration flack and they just read it on the air like it was true. You shouldn’t be surprised because that’s what they do. And it’s possible that they’re afraid not to do that. They know if they stray from the script the White House has written for them, they’ll be denounced from the briefing room as tools of Putin,”Tucker Carlson also added a heavy, sarcastic accent to the word “Putin.”

Tucker Carlson continued these same lines when he spoke to Glenn Greenwald (ex-Intercept journalist).

That “last night” aside above was almost certainly a reference to Griffin, who appeared on Wednesday’s episode of “Hannity,”This airs right after “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “Those are Soviet-era biolabs that U.S. has been engaged since 2005 in trying to help Ukraine convert the research facilities safely,”Sean Hannity was also informed by Griffin.

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This isn’t even the first time Carlson has appeared to trash his coworker either. Here is what he said about it March 1:

This will make for some awkward all hands meetings. Meanwhile, we’re not sure why Tucker Carlson is so enthusiastic about the Putin version of events in Ukraine, but it’s his TV show, not ours, so he gets to pick the content.


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