TikTok’s cute trending ‘yellow people’ has a meaning.


TikTok has been flooded with love trends where users are using colors to reveal the most important person in their lives. Here’s the meaning of ‘yellow person’.

It’s actually an old challenge that dates back to 2020 and was popular during lockdown. However, it’s suddenly blown up again more than three years later.

TikTok users are revealing who their purple, red, pink and green people are – but what about yellow? Here’s a definition if you’re confused…

Meaning of ‘yellow person’ on TikTok

Your yellow person is the one who “saved you,” a viral description on the video platform says. “They are your hero, your reason for living.”

“They make you happy beyond words can express. Your soulmate or twin flame. Your everything,” it continues.

Yellow is the person who is most important in your life, you couldn’t live without them and they’re like the other half of you.

It’s the individual you “instantly clicked with,” another definition adds. “Talking and being with them brings out the best in you.”

“They’re the most genuine soul you’ve ever met, always there for you when you need them and will never let you think badly about yourself.”

TikTok color trend becomes viral

People are making TikTok slideshows that reveal the people who have had the biggest impact on their lives.

First, you write the color, like ‘my blue person’ or ‘my red person’. On the next slide, add an explanation of that color.

It is the final slide that shows a video or photo of you with the person. This lets the rest of the world know how special they are. You can then tag the person in the caption.

It comes just weeks after TikTok’s ‘100 ways to say I love you’ trend went viral, which was another heartwarming love trend.

They used a number list that linked specific statements to tell people in their life why they love and admire them.

How about the colors red, purple and blue?

There are loads of different colors in the trend and they’re all people who have made a huge impact on your life in a positive way.

Your pink person is the one who has “seen you at your best and at your worst and hasn’t left your side” through it all.

However, blue is someone who “came into your life when you needed someone the most” and is still a huge part of it.

A purple person is someone you have only just met but you’ve already formed a strong connection with almost instantly.

Your color person can include friends, relatives, or loved ones, but they have to fit into the description.

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