These are the Real Reasons Why These Athletes Are Banned for Living

These are the Real Reasons Why These Athletes Are Banned for Living

Lance Armstrong was once a common name in a conversation about the greatest sportsmen of all time. Lance Armstrong, who started racing professionally in 1992 and won seven consecutive Tour de France titles from 1999 to 2005. This is the most ever achieved by any individual making him the greatest road racer ever.

Unfortunately, none of these victories were real. Rumours started swirling about the cancer survivor as soon as 1999, immediately after his first win. But it wasn’t until 2006 that they really stuck (via). ESPN). In October 2008,USADAfound Armstrong guilty of using banned, performance-enhancing substances and trafficking those substances. The group recommended that Armstrong be placed on a lifetime ban, which would include the loss of all titles he has won since 1998.

Armstrong initially refused to acknowledge the ban or any allegations. He didn’t even challenge the USDA’s claims in court. It was not until 2013, in an Oprah Winfrey interview (via).YouTube), that he finally admitted to doping. “It was this mythic, perfect story that wasn’t true,”He answered immediately. “no”Oprah asked Armstrong if it felt wrong. Armstrong was not the only one who was found guilty of participating in this sophisticated scheme. Numerous other people, including Johan Bruyneel his former team manager, were also banned from the USADA or subject to fines and restrictions (via). The Guardian).

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