These 6 Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely to Cheat

The Zodiac can reveal a lot about us. It can help us to navigate our lives with more purpose by highlighting our strengths and passions.

The Zodiac can help you to be more mindful by showing you the less pleasant aspects of yourself. Stars reveal our weaknesses, pet peeves and likelihood of being disloyal.

A sun sign won’t guarantee someone will cheat, of course. Every situation and relationship is unique. However, certain character traits may indicate a higher propensity for straying.

Did your sign (or your boo’s) make the list?

1. Aries are Impulsive and Competitive

aries zodiac symbol

Aries, a fiery sign, is the first. Aries is a cardinal fire sign, meaning they’re used to getting their way. When that doesn’t happen, they’re ready to bolt.

Although this is not always true, Aries tend to have a competitive streak and a fiery temper. They don’t shy away from confrontation. And in that same vein, they don’t take kindly to disrespect.

When they feel neglected, Aries will begin to wander. Constantly working to prove themselves, they’ll seek comfort from those willing to give it.

Aries can also wander if they are bored. Aries needs a spark to their relationship. If their relationship starts to falter, then so will their feelings.

2. Libra: Non-confrontational Codependent Relationship

libra zodiac symbol

Libra is at the other end of the spectrum. Unlike Aries, Libra hates being alone. They seek a partner wherever they can find it, even if it isn’t the best option.

They also hate confrontation. They are slow to confront problems when they get complicated. Instead, they’ll seek a more happy-go-lucky connection elsewhere.

Libra is also susceptible to fantasies. Sometimes the potential for a new crush is more important than the difficulties of a long-term relationship.

Libra is known for being indecisive, despite its focus on balance. They might not mean to hurt the person to whom they’re unfaithful. They just can’t figure out what, exactly, they want.

3. Gemini: Social Butterfly, Emotional Carpenter

gemini zodiac symbol

Gemini’s bad rep might make them an unsurprising addition to this list. These celestial twins can be restless and emotionally immature. They prioritize quantity over quality in their relationships.

Gemini, a mutable sign of the air, is constantly changing. Geminis are never content to remain in one place, regardless of whether it is mental, emotional, or physical.

Geminis are quick to move on once their honeymoon phase ends. They’re used to people liking them effortlessly. If it is hard work, they lose interest.

Gemini, like Libra, hates being alone and doesn’t like talking about their feelings. They’d rather enjoy an easy, shallow relationship than suffer through a deep, complicated one.

4. Cancer: Moody Comfort Seekers

cancer zodiac symbol

Cancer’s emotions run deep. Cancer is a sensitive and emotional person. They often bring their moodiness into their relationships. They don’t know any other way; their feelings have no “off” switch.

Cancer attracts stability and comfort. Cancers will find comfort and stability, and they will be loyal and sympathetic partners in a relationship. Cancer will seek comfort elsewhere if the relationship is unhappy or unstable.

They hate stagnancy, even though they love being familiar. They’re the first to notice if a connection has grown stale. They’re also the first to act on it.

Cancer is based on emotion and not logic. If their heart desires something, they’re likely to listen to it.

5. Leo: Will Stray for Attention

leo zodiac symbol

Leos are fiercely loyal… until they’re not. These regal signs deserve to be the center of attention. Leo will always be the ideal partner, loving, loyal and exciting, as long as they get their way.

If you ignore or discredit Leo, they may start looking for new admirers. They likely won’t have problems finding one, either. Leo radiates warmth and confidence.

The high standards they set for themselves is the reason their attractiveness. Leo holds their partner to the same high standards.

If they don’t live up to a Leo’s expectations, they’ll find someone who will. Or, at the very least, they’ll find someone who helps Leo reach their compliment quota for the day.

6. Sagittarius: On-The-Lookout Optimist

sagittarius zodiac symbol

Sagittarius is always looking for their next big accomplishment. They live their life as a series of goals–plan, accomplish, repeat. Unfortunately, this can lead to a bad and good thing in the love life.

Sag is a wanderer spirit and can easily get lost in a routine situation. It is hard work to keep looking for the best.

Sag is a curious, exploratory soul who values principles more than feelings. If they feel monogamy goes against their moral code, they won’t adhere to those rules.

They’ll manage to justify this by blaming it on their search for freedom. However, they tend to forget that personal liberty doesn’t mean stomping on others’ feelings.

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