The Untold Truth Of Marjorie Taylor Greene


The Untold Truth Of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Despite Marjorie Taylor Greene’s abrupt transition into politics, her longtime husband, Perry Greene, is happy to back his wife. Greene expressed her appreciation for Perry Greene on the couple’s 25th anniversary. “Perry, thank you for being my best friend and biggest supporter always! I love you!!” she wrote in a now-deleted post, per Central Recorder.

MTG has had a career renaissance, but her husband, Taylor Construction, was founded by her father in 1997. Taylor Construction is a building contractor company. He is not as well-known in the political world as MTG but he does not seem to enjoy the same attention.

He is now a stranger on social media but he was frequently seen sharing Greene’s posts during her early days in politics. But while the public eye might not be for him, he still supports Greene behind the scenes and was even her campaign treasurer, according to Newsweek. He was summoned by the Federal Election Commission to explain more about the $3.5 million in donations MTG received during his reelection campaign. This has put him at the forefront of his wife’s controversy.


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