The Unspeakable Truth About Winona Ryder’s Childhood


The Unspeakable Truth About Winona Ryder’s Childhood

Winona Ryder spoke out about a time in her middle school years at Kenilworth Junior High. The “Little Women”Star said that she was bullied as a child because she wore baggy clothes for men and her hair was too short to be mistaken for a man. “As I went to the bathroom I heard people saying, ‘Hey, f****t’. They slammed my head into a locker. I fell to the ground and they started to kick the s**t out of me,”She said it in Nigel Goodall’s book “Winona Ryder: The Biography” (via People). “I had to have stitches.”

Although Ryder had the worst luck with her bullies, she thought things would change for the better and improve her standing with the cool kids after she landed a lead role in the 1988 film “Beetlejuice.” “I remember thinking, ‘Ooh, it’s like the number-one movie. This is going to make things great at school,'”She told Marie Claire UKin 2017. It didn’t. Ryder stated that it made her life difficult. “They called me a witch.”

The “Black Swan”Also, actor admitted to The New York Timesin 1990 that the mean girls in her class used to call her names like “weirdo” “throw Cheetos”At her for her appearance. But, as the saying goes, “What goes around comes around,”Ryder was able get revenge many years later.


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