The surprising baby names which are rising in popularity… and they all take inspiration from SUPERHERO films


TRYING to pick a unique baby name isn’t always easy, so some parents are turning to Marvel movies for inspiration.

Unique Marvel names like Bucky, Thanos and Wanda are becoming more popular among parents, according to new research from retailer Lost Universe.

Parents are being increasingly inspired by Marvel characters when it comes to naming their child


Parents are being increasingly inspired by Marvel characters when it comes to naming their childCredit: Getty
The name 'Wanda' has increased in popularity thanks to WandaVision


The name ‘Wanda’ has increased in popularity thanks to WandaVisionCredit: AP

The retailer collected data from the UK and the US between the release of the first Avengers movie in 2012 and today.

Lost Universe conducted this study to determine if Marvel films had any influence on baby names.

This information includes the popularity rankings of the names and the number of babies named after each character in the United States by 2021.


The names Bucky, Thanos, and Quill have witnessed the highest growth in popularity in recent years.

Marvel fans will not be surprised that Bucky, the name for the Winter Soldier has experienced the greatest growth in popularity. It’s now the 6,193rd-most popular name in 2021. It has risen 11,244 spots since 2012.

Thanks to the success of Endgame and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s characters, more than 3,000 parents have given Bucky the name Bucky so far this year.

It may surprise some that Thanos is now the 4670th most-popular name in America.

Surprisingly 4,666 babies have been named after the villain.

Popular Guardians of the Galaxy names include Quill, which is becoming more common, and 1,333 predicted babies named after Groot or Drax.

Following her pivotal role in Endgame and the debut of Marvel’s latest series WandaVision, Scarlet Witch has emerged as one of Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most loved heroes.

This is particularly noticeable when you take into account the fact that the name ‘Wanda’ has risen 3,711 places, with 11,000 infants acquiring the name from the sorceress in 2021.

The Loki series, which was released this year, seems to have inspired many fans. Loki-named babies have been growing in popularity, while Thor’s popularity is declining.

Perhaps the most shocking twist is that some of the MCU’s more popular names have experienced the most decline.

The popularity of the names Barton (Carol, Steve), Natasha, Bruce and Tony declined in the period 2012-2021.

Marvel names that have risen in popularity between 2012 and 2021:

Bucky (Winter Soldier) +11,244

Quill (Star Lord) +9,264

Thanos +8,955

Groot +4,224

Drax +2,331

Wanda (Scarlett Witch) +2,297

Loki +455

Nick (Nick Fury) +230

Loki is another name that has increased in popularity


Loki is another name that has increased in popularityCredit: Marvel Studios

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