The Reasons a Wedding Photographer Would Reject a Job


The Reasons a Wedding Photographer Would Reject a Job

  • TikTok’s most popular wedding photographer shared her reasons for refusing to photograph a wedding.
  • Shayla Herrington stated to Insider that she avoids people who view her only as a vendor or sender.
  • “I’m not going to be a good fit because I like to build relationships with my clients,”She spoke.

AnArkansas photographer who makes viral TikTok videoThese are some of the tell-tale signs that she isn’t the right kind of photographer to photograph a couple’s wedding day.

Shayla Sherrington22-year old Veronica creates videos that tell wedding stories and offer advice to her TikTok followers of over 277,000.

Insider was told by Sherrington that while it is not unusual for couples to approach him to take their wedding pictures, she must sometimes say no due to a variety of reasons. Herrington shared some things that couples should think about before choosing a photographer.

From the beginning, ensure that the photographer’s style matches your vision.

“It happens quite a bit,”Herrington, who had her own July wedding planned by herself, said: “I usually ask for expectations upfront,”She added that she would then determine if they were a good match.

She stated that she often asks potential clients the following questions: What type of images do you love? What are you looking to find? What type of images are you most attracted to?

“If they’re showing me pictures that are nothing close to my work, that’s when I know I’m probably not going to book them,”Herrington stated. She said that her style of photography might not match the venue or other details of the marriage and would let the couple know.

Photographers shouldn’t be overwhelmed by unscheduled calls or messages

Herrington also said that a couple shouldn’t be working with Herrington if they don’t respect her time and personal boundaries. These people are described as “individuals who are not willing to work with others.” “messaging constantly”Beyond the point where relevance is possible

“I’m a busy person. I try to reply when I can but I’ve had it before where it’s email, email, email, or call, call, call, and it’s not scheduled or anything — it just completely throws my day off,”She spoke.

Herrington stated that she enjoys keeping up with clients but might not be able meet the needs of brides who need more contact or time.

“With every bride, I want to be able to provide my best service,”She continued. “I don’t mind brides saying, ‘Hey, what do you think about this, or do you have any catering recommendations?’ But not if you’re overwhelming me with irrelevant things. I would love to hear about your day, but not through a phone call every day.”

Select a photographer who is on the same wavelength with you

Herrington stated that personality plays a major role in her decision making. Insider spoke to her about how she is very talkative and bubbly. She wants to work in an environment where she can feel comfortable with her clients.

“If there’s no talking and people treat me like an outside vendor where I should just be there to take pictures, I know I’m not going to be a good fit because I like to build relationships with my clients,”She spoke.

“If I can’t talk to you while I take your pictures and stuff, it just feels really awkward for me,”She added that she enjoys building relationships with clients during their engagement. Herrington said that seeing a couple’s love story unfold is what gives her satisfaction. She also enjoys following their progress on social media to follow their journey and watch them have children.

She stated: “If they’re just disengaged and disinterested and they just want to get me booked and over with, typically I know they’re not a good match for me.”


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