The hotel-inspired bedroom tip that will help you get to sleep faster


IF you struggle with getting to sleep quickly, you could be missing out on a tip used in hotels.

While many sleep hacks are backed by science, sometimes the best kept secrets work best.

This hotel hack could be the trick to a better night's sleep


This hotel hack could be the trick to a better night’s sleepCredit: Image Source Plus

Staying in a hotel can instantly make us feel more at rest. The bedroom is clean, clutter-free and has ambience – often not the case at home.

If you’ve ever wondered why a hotel room feels so relaxing, you can thank the hotel staff who often practise “turning down”.

They do this for their guests while they are out for the day or eating dinner.

It may involve untucking the bed sheets, plumping the pillows, setting the lights low, tidying up, decluttering the bedside table and shutting the curtains.

While hotel staff have got their turning down act refined, it’s not difficult to do the same at home.

You may choose to turn down before having dinner, a bath, or watching television.

When you return to your bedroom later on, the mood is already set for you to wind-down and instantly switch off.

Experts often say in order to get a good night’s rest, you should keep your bedroom an environment conducive to sleeping.

That means avoiding watching TV, scrolling on social media, eating or “chilling out” while lying in bed.

The Sleep Foundation says that part of “sleep hygiene” is to optimise your bedroom for sleep.

It says: “A central component of sleep hygiene beyond just habits is your sleep environment. To fall asleep more easily, you want your bedroom to emanate tranquillity.”

Sleep expert Christabel Majendiepreviously told Central Recorder: “Research shows that improving your sleep environment can vastly improve our chances of getting a good night’s rest.

“The bedroom should be reserved for sleep only.

“Working, eating, talking on the phone and using the computer or mobile phones are daytime activities, which will weaken your association with the bedroom and sleep and cause you to have a more disturbed night.”

Dr Giuseppe Aragona, GP and online doctor for OnlinePrescriptionDoctor, said it’s the “little things” that help you to get to sleep better.

He told Livingetc: “Turning down the bed, having the right pillows that are comfortable for you, and ensuring your bedding and duvet are positioned accordingly are all little things that will help you to fall asleep quicker.”

He added there is no right or wrong way to do it – it’s about finding the luxury bedroom idea that works best for you.

“Some people may find that they need to have fewer pillows around them to fall asleep, whilst other people may want more pillows surrounding them, and to have some near them to rest their arms on or put in between their legs, it is totally personal preference,” Dr Aragona said.

Robert Pagano, co-founder at Sleepline, explained that turning down “increases airflow” in the bed, which in turn cools it down.

It’s important that your bedroom and sleep environment isn’t too warm, as this can cause body temperature to rise.

A drop in core body temperature is a key part of getting to, and staying, asleep.

Robert said: “When your bed is cool, your body will release melatonin, which will help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

“Additionally, keeping a cool environment in your bedroom will also help regulate your body temperature and improve your sleep quality.”

It comes after we revealed the best habits to do during the day – from what to eat and when – to ensure you get to sleep fast.

Another expert has revealed five ways to use breathwork to get to sleep.

And this calculation will ensure you don’t wake up groggy in the morning.


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