The father who gives in to everything his daughter wants


It’s one of the few times we feel confident in saying that bullying is OK. Take a look at this cool dad.

Jennifer Tisdale - Author

Many strange conversations occur between fathers and their daughters. Some bizarre messages come in the form a tee shirt that talks about guns and how parents are protecting their children’s virginity. John Mayer, the notorious philanderer who told fathers to treat their daughters well so that they wouldn’t date him when they grew up. Rarely does anyone say anything sane or reasonable when it comes to dads and girls.

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Nick Connell is the name Nick Connell. @nick_connell On TikTok he shares details about his child and the way she bullies him. But not in an unkind manner. In essence, he gives in happily to the majority of her demands. In my youth, this was known as spoiling. Now, it is referred to as children controlling their parents. What has Nick’s child asked now? Continue reading to learn about the positive and negative effects of strong-arming.

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Does this seem like bullying to you or is it just what you’re asking for?

Have you ever noticed how our daughters are able to bully us in a low-key manner? Nick’s TikTok asks. First, I don’t think the term “bully”, which we use too often, is used enough. We should revisit the definition. As per Merriam-WebsterBullies are “those who abuse, threaten, and insult others, especially those who may be smaller, weaker or vulnerable in any way.”

This is not right. Nick cannot be weaker, smaller or more vulnerable that his daughter, who, he says, is nine years old. What was she up to? She has him in a chokehold, figuratively speaking.

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He “dropped all” to build one for her when she asked him. It’s an enclosure used to keep the hunter hidden from the prey. The box blinds are made of a strong wood frame with plenty of insulation. This keeps the hunter warm when he is sitting for a long time in cold weather. HuntBlind.

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It already looks cool. The video shows the construction of the box blind. Nick says “windows are in there and it has everything she needs to stay warm.” Nick might be able to help me build a tree-fort. My little face also wants something warm.

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Nick is jealous of his hunting spot. I was sitting there thinking that she would be going to the spot where I have been working, when suddenly a dead deer appeared under my feet. Nick believes he can do all the heavy lifting while his child listens to Taylor Swift.

Nick’s little girl will most likely be listening. The Out of the Woods Nick would continue his work after the adventure. She would have her father process and cook the deer for her once they returned home. It’s so cool to watch a guy cook.

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Nick makes a promise at the very end of the clip: “I will probably stand up against her someday.” We both know it won’t happen. But a few boundaries are never a bad thing. Nick is likely to teach his daughter one of these days how she can build her blind box. It’s a good move.

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In the comments, there are many examples of women who have walked all over their fathers.

“I was that daughter, you’re creating the BEST memories for her,” said Meagan Dyer. “My father is still my closest friend and I steal his places. Sorry. This won’t change. One TikToker added, “Me also!” My dad will still drop everything when I come up with an idea to do something together. This is a fantastic idea. Nick’s daughter and he should do this together.

Jennifer McMahan, 34 years old, said that her father still “field dresses her” problems. Field dressing involves the removal of organs from an animal. It’s only hunting that this happens. I don’t think Jennifer’s Dad would remove organs to help her hang a heavy painting. Nick does not seem to be being bullied. He’s a good dad.


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