The Best Tim Curry Movies And How To Watch Them


The Best Tim Curry Movies And How To Watch Them

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

In this classic musical, The Rocky Horror Picture Show pays tribute to the science fiction and B movies of the 1930s, telling the story of a newly engaged couple who are seeking shelter from a storm, and come to the home of a cross-dressing mad scientist, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, and his new creation.

I feel like if you’ve heard of Tim Curry, this is the first film you ever saw him in – and it was for me too. And there’s a huge reason why Curry ended up blowing up after his appearance. He perfectly captures the wackiness of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, while also providing a very comical movie full of tunes and dance breaks that will make anyone get on their feet, no matter the age.

The movie might be a bit out of date nowadays, but that still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a fun time.

Rent The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Amazon.


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