The 6 signs of sepsis you should NEVER ignore

SEPSIS can sometimes be difficult to recognise as symptoms are easily confused with common illnesses such as the flu.

Sepsis treatment delays can lead to organ damage or failure.

Sepsis can be deadly so it's important that you are able to spot the signs in children and adults


Sepsis can be deadly so it’s important that you are able to spot the signs in children and adultsCredit: Getty

Today is World Sepsis Day and the day aims to highlight the millions of people who are affected by the illness every year.

Sepsis is a common condition that causes around 48,000 deaths in the UK each year. It also affects 11 million people worldwide.

Sepsis is a condition which doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone, old or young, healthy or not.

As with many life-threatening illnesses, the most vulnerable are newborns, young children and the elderly, as well as anyone with a weakened immune system.

Although it can affect anyone, men are more vulnerable than women. Black people are more at-risk than white. The very young and very elderly are most likely to be affected.

People with diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, or Aids are at higher risk.

Sepsis is often caused by another illness. Most people who experience sepsis have had an infection.

This could include a stomach infection, an abdominal infection, or a wound.

These are the six main symptoms of sepsis. They differ between children and adults.


In kids the Sepsis Trust says there are six signs to look out for.

  1. If your child is breathing fast – with no reason to, such as they haven’t been running around
  2. Has a ‘fit’ or convulsion
  3. Looked mottled, bluish or pale
  4. Has a rash that does not fade when you press it
  5. Is lethargic or difficult to wake
  6. Feels cold to touch


Sepsis signs can be slightly different in adults and the Sepsis Trust say you should follow the below guide in spotting signs.

S – slurred speech or confusion

E – extreme shivering or muscle pain

P – passing no urine in a day

S – severe breathlessness

I – it feel like you’re going to die

S – skin mottled or discoloured

Patients who appear to have a least one sign of sepsis must be seen by a senior doctor within 60 minutes, an NHS watchdog has said.

Sepsis is a medical emergency and should be treated the same as for a heart attack or stroke.

As soon as possible, dial 999.

The chances of survival from sepsis depend on the speed at which the patient receives medical intensive care.

Patients will likely die if they wait too long to get medical attention.

Michael Carson is a senior litigation executive atFletchers Solicitors ans added: “For adults, red flag symptoms can be someone in a confused state, possibly with slurred speech. They may feel cold but shiver and feel cold. However, they might also feel hot and sweaty.

“The heart rate can be increased and blood pressure may be lower than usual. They may have shortness or no breath.

“For very young children or babies, it might be a child that is sleepier than normal, or difficult to wake. They may not eat or play as often when awake. They might have shortness or no breath. In this case, they may grunt while breathing or breathe fast.

What are the stages in sepsis?

Sepsis is a condition that affects the entire body in three stages.

Stage 1 – An infection invades a specific part of the body – pneumonia affects the lungs, for example – triggering the immune system into action. The germs and toxins created by the virus or bacteria travel to the bloodstream, where they cause an inflammatory response called SIRS (systemic inflammation response syndrome).

Stage 2 – Individual organs throughout the body become affected and begin to deteriorate. This can lead to organ failure in extreme cases.

Stage 3 – More than one organ stops functioning, and the patient experiences cardio-circulatory failure that leads to a sudden drop in blood pressure. This is commonly known as septichock.


Sepsis is not contagious and when it happens, your body goes into overdrive.

Most often the culprit is an infection we all recognise – pneumonia, urinary infections (UTIs), skin infections, including cellulitis, and infections in the stomach, for example appendicitis.

A minor cut is a condition where the skin around the wound becomes reddened, swollen, and warm to the touch.

This is a sign that the body’s immune defense system has activated and released white blood cell to the injured area to kill any bacteria.

The tissues around the cut are clotified by the white blood cells and platelets.

The blood vessels become more swollen to allow blood to flow and then they become leaky. This allows infection fighting cells to enter the bloodstream and reach the tissues.

This causes inflammation, which appears to us as the red, warm swelling.When sepsis happens, this system goes into overdrive.

The inflammation is often seen in the area of a minor cut but can spread throughout the body and affect healthy tissue and other organs.

The body’s defense mechanism, the immune system, overreacts and attacks itself.

This can cause organ failure or septic shock which can be fatal. Sepsis can be triggered by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. However, bacteria is the most serious.

A mother of a boy aged four who succumbed to sepsis in the wake of hospital errors is now ‘broken’, an inquest has found. He died of natural causes.

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