Test Your IQ: Can You Spot the Odd Car Out Among the Red Buggies in 10 Seconds?

Spot the Odd Car: Can You Pass The High IQ Test?

PULLOUT the stopwatch and ready your eyes to test your sense of perception and attention to detail with this chugging brainteaser.

If you can spot a different car in 10 seconds or less it may just point to a high IQ.

Understanding Change Blindness in Brainteasers

The repetitiveness of this image is quite likely to trick your brain into perceiving that there is no difference among the cars if you are not careful.

In psychology, the reason that this puzzle can be challenging is due to a concept known as change blindness.

This term essentially means that the brain can become blind to differences within patterns or between two images as an evolutionary function.

Overcoming Change Blindness: Tips and Tricks

It is pertinent that people are about to focus on visual stimuli and draw large conclusions about a situation; for this to be possible the brain tunes out small details to make sense of the larger image.

In a world where change blindness did not exist at all, people would wander around overwhelmed and oftentimes unable to focus, in fact, lower levels of change blindness on a day-to-day basis are central struggles in certain neurodivergencies like ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The good news is that to tackle these brainteasers, you can put forth an effort to overcome change blindness.

Instead of taking in the whole image, try going line by line, comparing the cars one by one.

Yes, there is a timer set, but scanning one by one is likely to bring more success than staring at the image and hoping something pops out to you.

Of course, you can always try another tactic, albeit more time-consuming, it is effective.

These cars are simple images with few qualities, you could attempt to guess what the difference between them may be and compare each of the cars focusing on that aspect.

Is a color different, a size different, is there a third wheel or one less window?

Revealing the Answer: Test Your High IQ Skills

A challenge such as this can be frustrating, so read further on if you wish to take some helpful hints:

  • This car is ordinary by all accounts, other than being slightly different from the other cars, it would not stand out much compared to any other car with typical features.
  • There are no stark color differences, but despite the tones of the colors all matching, their shades may not.
  • Whoever drives in this car has slightly less worry about UV damage given the window tint.

Here is the answer – the sixth car of the third row has darkened windows, near black compared to the greyed glass of all the other vehicles.

If you are still keen on exercising your brain, check out other illusions and brainteasers curated by the U.S. Sun.

Stay on a motors theme with this logic puzzle requiring you to determine a hidden number beneath a car.

Or find the cherry without a cartoon creepy crawly come from within.

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