“Terrified” Brittney Griner opens a letter to President Biden


Brittney GrinerIs it sending a message President Joe Biden.

The WNBA player was arrested February 17th on suspicion of drug smuggling. He wrote a handwritten note to the White House.

E! obtained her message. Brittney shared her thoughts behind bars while she writes. “…as I sit here in a Russian prison, alone with my thoughts and without the protection of my wife, family, friends, Olympic jersey, or any accomplishments, I’m terrified I might be here forever.”

Although her letter was delivered to The White House July 4, it is significant for her in many ways.

“On the 4th of July, our family normally honors the service of those who fought for our freedom, including my father who is a Vietnam War Veteran,”Let the letter be read. “It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year.”


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