Shed 50 lbs with these low-calorie Valentine’s Day Strawberry Cupcakes – Only 3 Ingredients!

Low-Cal Strawberry Cupcake Recipe for Valentine’s Day

Are you looking for a sweet, low-calorie way to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year? If so, look no further. After losing 50 pounds, one woman scoured the internet for a holiday dessert with a low-calorie count, and she found the perfect recipe to satisfy her sweet tooth without undoing all her hard work.

The Three-Ingredient Strawberry Cupcake Recipe

TikTok user MaKayla, known as @makayla_thomas_fit, recently shared her simple three-ingredient strawberry cupcake recipe with her followers, and it has been a massive hit. These cupcakes are not only delicious, but also low in calories, making them the perfect treat for a guilt-free Valentine’s Day celebration.

The Recipe: Step by Step

MaKayla begins by using a Super Moist Strawberry Cake Mix from Betty Crocker. She then combines the cake mix with a single serving of Greek yogurt for added richness. To enhance the flavor, MaKayla adds a tub of Strawberry Cheesecake Dannon Light Fit, and to boost the protein content, she includes a cup of vanilla protein shake. This combination creates a smooth, bright pink batter that’s ready for baking.

After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, MaKayla proceeds to fill 36 mini cupcake liners with the batter and bakes them at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 minutes. She suggests checking the cupcakes around the 10-minute mark to ensure they are cooked through.

Personal Touches and Reactions

Once the cupcakes are baked and cooled, MaKayla tops them off with whipped cream, frosting, berries, and granola for an extra special touch. Her followers have raved about the recipe, with one viewer noting that they are perfect for satisfying sugar cravings. Another commenter mentioned that they made the cupcakes as an egg-free option for their child and were impressed with the results.


If you’re searching for a delightful, low-calorie treat this Valentine’s Day, MaKayla’s three-ingredient strawberry cupcakes are the perfect solution. With just a few simple ingredients and easy steps, you can enjoy a guilt-free and delicious dessert without the worry of overindulging. Give these delightful cupcakes a try and let us know what you think!

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