Senate Votes to Raise the Debt Ceiling


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Senate Votes to Raise the Debt Ceiling

In a 50-to-48 vote, the Senate passed legislation to raise the debt ceiling through early December. The House is expected to take up the bill on Tuesday.

“On this vote, the yeas are 50, the nays are 48. The motion to concur with the amendment is agreed to. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table.” “Republicans played a dangerous and risky partisan game, and I am glad that their brinksmanship did not work. For the good of America’s families, for the good of our economy, Republicans must recognize in the future they should — that they should approach fixing the debt limit in a bipartisan way. What is needed now is a long-term solution, so we don’t go through this risky drama every few months, and we hope Republicans will join in enacting a long-term solution to the debt limit in December. We’re ready to work with them.”

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