Scientists discover key ingredient for UK fry-ups, leading to major changes in the food industry


BRITS can raise a toast — to soon being able to tuck into home-grown baked beans.

A formula found after 50 years in a cupboard means traditionally-imported haricot variety can finally be harvested here.

Climate change and new tech has meant baked beans can now be grown in the UK


Baked beans are now grown in Britain due to the climate and technology changesCredit: Getty

The British weather at that time made it impossible for the Boffins to continue with the project.

Climate change, and the new knowledge that has emerged in this area have made it possible to put these ideas into action.

Food policy expert Prof Tim Lang — from City, University of London — said: “It has been a desperate desire of the British food industry and baked bean manufacturers to have a British baked bean for decades.

“It’s crazy shipping a little bean halfway round the world just to put it in a tin can with some tomato sauce.”

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The beans that are used to make the popular family dish are currently imported from Canada, Ethiopia, the United States and China.

Health food brands tried marketing British-grown fava plants as “baked beans” but they lacked mass appeal due to the difference in taste.

Warwick University developed new seeds that can be planted in May, and harvested by mid-September.

Prof Eric Holub said: “Work I have been involved with dates from the university farm in the 1970s.

“It was put into storage, and it was 2011 that I realised there was some valuable material and started reviving it.”

Commercially, the first crop will be grown in Sleaford near Lincs.


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