School Teacher Does Part-Time Doordash Delivery Man Job For Extra Cash, Lost Money, Unfortunately!!

To make ends meet, Joseph Hall, a schoolteacher, worked part-time for DoorDash, but amongst his paychecks was seized and has yet to be recovered.

School Teacher Does Part-Time Doordash Delivery Man Job For Extra Cash, Lost Money, Unfortunately!!

Despite his commitment to his vocation as an elementary school teacher, Joseph Hall spent his summer working for DoorDash to supplement his income.

However, after receiving one of his paychecks totaling $72.76 per week, the corporation withdrew it. Hall initially thought it was a mistake, but it appears that DoorDash did not return it.

During a meeting with Suncoast and DoorDash Credit Union, Hall’s employer requested a written anecdote requesting the pay was reversed.

He wrote the letter likewise it was required and presented it to WFLA’s Better Call Behnken, but they still say they can’t see that they made the reverse. Therefore, the money hasn’t been repaid, according to Hall.

School Teacher Does Part-Time Doordash Delivery Man Job For Extra Cash, Lost Money, Unfortunately!!

Meanwhile, a delivery business spokesman stated the situation is being investigated, and that it was a “technical error.”

DoorDash later wrote to Hall, alleging that an issue with payment processing by a third-party provider had occurred, affecting accounts linked to a Visa. Hall should have received his money by now, according to the email, but he did not.

Hall isn’t the only educator who works part-time. To make ends meet, Dairrai Doliber, a high school teacher, also works as a cashier in a clothes store.

On top of that, she happens to be studying for her master’s degree at night in the hopes that it would raise her pay grade.

Because of the budget issue in public schools, being a teacher while doing another profession is prevalent in America, alongside firefighters and social workers.

According to recent research, public school teachers are five times more likely to work part-time than the average full-time worker.

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