Sam Brinton is the US official responsible for stealing luggage.

Sam Brinton (a US official responsible for nuclear waste) was charged with taking a bag from an airport in Minnesota. As per To file a criminal case.

They serve as advocates for LGBTQ+ and work for the Office of Nuclear Energy at the Department for Energy.

Sam, who uses both the pronouns them and them Announcement They were credited for their June role and they posted on Twitter that they were “one of if not the very first openly genderfluid individuals in federal government leadership.”

Sam Brinton is charged with the theft of movable properties

Sam Brinton was Charged With “theft of movable property” According to the Minnesota criminal complaint. According to court records, Brinton is accused of stealing a bag from the Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport carousel on September 16. The Telegraph reports.

Police reviewed CCTV and identified Samuel Otis Brinton as the suspect after being alerted by a female that her suitcase had gone missing from the baggage claim area.

A few months later, when Brinton brought his bag to Europe and was asked by police whether they took anything not theirs, Brinton allegedly answered: “Not that I know of.”

The complaint alleges that Brinton stole the bag

Brinton, according to the complaint, later admitted that he took the bag, though he denied it contained clothing belonging to anyone else.

These people allegedly Telled A police officer “If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual. That was my clothes when I opened the bag.”

Brinton, however, called Brinton two hours later to say that they were not “completely honest.”

The complaint stated that although they claimed they had taken the bag, they did so because they were exhausted and believed it to be theirs.

Sam Brinton (the nuclear waste official): Who are you?

Sam Brinton is well-known for his role as the Deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Dispositions (NE-8).

They can be gender-fluid, and they use the pronouns them and them. Sam is an advocate for LGBTQ+ youth, and he speaks out against conversion therapy.

Sam worked as an official for nuclear waste before becoming a Nuclear Waste Official. Served as the first employee of the country’s first and only nuclear waste management and disposal start-up company. Their experience includes work at think tanks, such as Clean Air Task Force and Breakthrough Institute.

A statement The IndependentAccording to the Department of Energy, “Sam Brinton is on leave from DOE, and Dr Kim Petry is performing the duties of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition.”

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