Ryder Cup star Brooks Koepka snaps “f*** you” in angry exchange with referee

Brooks Koepka swore at the match referees during a lengthy and heated argument on the second day of action at the Ryder Cup.

Koepka and his partner Daniel Berger were taking on the Team Europe pairing of Sergio Garcia and Jon Rahm in the morning foursomes session.

Berger had landed a shot in a tricky position for Team USA with the ball inches away from a drain, which Koepka insisted would be dangerous for him to play.

The American golfer demanded that he be allowed to move the ball, but when he was told no, he let out an angry outburst towards the match officials.

Ryder Cup star Brooks Koepka snaps "f*** you" in angry exchange with referee
Brooks Koepka swore at match officials

“If I break my wrist, this is on f***ing both of you,” he said, while Berger described the decision as “bulls***”.

Koepka had been a pre-tournament doubt because of an existing wrist injury which had forced him to withdraw from the Tour Championship earlier this month.

Having been made to play the ball as he had found it, the 31-year-old produced a great recovery shot which helped his team to draw the hole.

Team USA or Team Europe – who will win the Ryder Cup? Let us know in the comments section.

Ryder Cup star Brooks Koepka snaps "f*** you" in angry exchange with referee

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However, the Spanish duo of Garcia and Rahm were the eventual victors of the match-up, winning 3&1 on the 17th hole as Team Europe tried to reduce Friday’s deficit.

Koepka’s actions are likely to land him in hot water with the sport’s governing bodies who will take a dim view of the comments made towards their officials.

They didn’t go down well online either, with reporter Paul Higham tweeting: “Disgusting from Brooks Koepka – absolutely awful behaviour.”

Ryder Cup star Brooks Koepka snaps "f*** you" in angry exchange with referee
He dropped an F-bomb

A fan added: “Truly bizarre lack of respect for the officials from Berger and Koepka.”

Former Scottish pro golfer, Ewan Murray, said: “Abusing match officials isn’t allowed in any other sport. Koepka and Berger should have lost a hole for their conduct there.”

One of the big talking points going into the tournament was Koepka’s ongoing feud with team-mate Bryson DeChambeau.

The pair have yet to let their individual differences get in the way and have purposely not been paired up by USA captain Steve Stricker.

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