Rare space pics capture mind-bending 200,000km-high plasma wall erupting from scorching 5,600C Sun surface


Captivating Image of 200,000 km High Wall of Sun Plasma Amazes the World

A snapshot of a blazing 200,000 km high wall of Sun plasma has mesmerized viewers, showcasing the spectacle of fiery gas erupting from the scorching 5600C surface of the sun. The astounding image, captured on February 18 by Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau, an astrophotographer, portrays a rare and enormous prominence that soared above the south pole of the sun.

Rare Astrophotography Event by Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau

Eduardo describes the captured plasma column as “so extensive” that he had to adjust his camera and the image orientation to precisely represent the magnificence of the solar event. This unique phenomenon, not commonly seen near the solar equator, was a challenging yet rewarding spectacle for Eduardo to photograph.

Challenges Faced in Capturing the Image

Despite facing high temperatures, turbulence, and frequent cloud cover while photographing the sun, Eduardo expressed his delight in capturing such a remarkable event. The primary difficulty he encountered was atmospheric turbulence, causing the image to appear shaky or to “boil.” To combat this challenge, he employed the “Lucky Imaging” technique, capturing video sequences with multiple frames to reduce noise and enhance image stability.

Eduardo’s Lifelong Passion for Astrophotography

Eduardo’s passion for the vast universe and its wonders has fueled his astrophotography pursuits. He considers it a privilege to capture the beauty and power of the solar system through his lens, revealing the sublime nature of sunspots, dancing filaments, and rising prominences that showcase the sun’s magnificence.

The Impending Threath of Space Debris

As the European Space Agency endured the tense wait for the re-entry of the ERS-2 satellite into the Pacific Ocean, concerns about space debris and increasing satellite launches have intensified. Professor John L. Crassidis highlights the risks associated with falling space junk and the potential threats posed by the growing number of satellites orbiting Earth.

In conclusion, Eduardo’s extraordinary photograph of the sun’s towering plasma wall serves as a testament to the beauty and complexity of celestial phenomena, offering viewers a glimpse into the awe-inspiring wonders that exist beyond our planet.


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