Prince Harry Wanted to Pick Princess Diana or Netflix after an Offensive Portrayal Of Her


Prince HarryThere are two choices: Netflix or Princess Diana. One report says he’s facing pressure over the decision to stick with the streaming giant with a distasteful season of The CrownIn the works. Gossip Cop investigates.

‘It’s Money or Your Mom’

According to Woman’s Day, Harry is facing immense pressure to rip up his and Meghan Markle’s megabucks contract because the next season of The CrownHe may not have respected his mother. Jemima Khan is a close friend to the Princess of Wales and announced recently that she will no longer be a script consultant for the show due to its portrayal of her. “disrespectful.”

Diana’s family is now turning the screws on the Duke of Sussex. According to a family insider, “The Spencers are horrified at how Diana’s being presented… they’ve made it clear Harry needs to intervene and if things aren’t toned down and made more respectful, he should cut ties.” A pal outlines Harry’s dilemma: He “needs Netflix more than they need him… and Meghan won’t ever agree to quitting that much cash.”

What’s Really Going On With The Sussexes

Meghan Markle agreed to quit considerably more cash when she and Harry left England for the United States, but that’s neither here nor there. The pressure in this story is a figment of the tabloid’s imagination.

Khan raised concerns about Khan’s disrespectful portrayal of Harry, but she didn’t mention Harry. Similarly, Diana’s brother Charles SpencerHis nephew has not been attacked in public. He’s expressed unease with the show and its “invention,” but hasn’t attacked Harry for getting that bag.

No, it’s not the Spencers who hate Harry. It’s the tabloid. Gossip CopThis exact story has been told to him too many times. The documentary that the Sussexes are currently working on is about the Invictus Games. This international sporting event was founded by he to encourage wounded veterans.

Diana was a philanthropist too, so he’s living up to her memory by continuing her vision of the world. Is there anything you consider disrespectful to the late princess? To attack her son by invoking her name

Other Baseless Attacks

Woman’s Day has no insight into Harry’s life, as it proves time and time again. It was reported that Harry and Markle had their wedding last year. “worst fight ever.” They didn’t break up as the cover promised. Gossip CopAlso, the cover story that Markle planned a Diana documentary was debunked. This document is not in the works.

This is the same outlet which claimed Prince Charles was trying for custody of Archie. The Sussex attacks are carried out weekly and do not have any basis in reality. This is a completely false story. Harry is not being attacked.


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