People think my daughter and I are TWINS but we’re actually born 25 years apart… we love it


MUM and her daughter, who have a gap of 25 years in age between them, claim people mistakenly think that they are twins. They love this.

Geeta and Malissa vaiwala are asked constantly by strangers whether they’re sisters.

Geeta and Malissa Vaiwala are often mistaken for twins when they go out together


When they are out with each other, Geeta & Malissa vaiwala can be mistaken as twins

This fashionista mother who appears and dresses younger, than her own age has been revealed. The Mirror The cheeky couple sometimes go along just for the fun.

When people ask if the mother and daughter pair are twins or sisters, they burst out laughing at their surprise when they revealed their real relationship.

“Getting mistaken for someone in their 20s never gets wearing, I’m pretty sure anyone in their 40s would love to be told they look half their age,” Geeta told The Mirror.

“Funny thing is, I can see we are similar, but I honestly don’t think I look that young. Malissa is my competition, I don’t compete with her. It’s just nice to receive compliments.”

Youthful mums shock with REAL ages… including one who’s mistaken for being 12
Age-defying mum, 35, mistaken as 18-year-old daughter’s sister

The pair enjoy the attention, even though Malissa admits she didn’t like being compared with her mother when she was in high school.

The 20-year-old said: “Now I love that we are mistaken for sisters, it’s just a bit of fun.”

The Mirror reports that the young 45-year-old woman revealed how she shares a closet with her daughter due to similar taste in clothing.

“When Malissa is away at university, I look forward to seeing her, not just because I miss her but it means I usually have a whole new wardrobe of clothes to choose from,” the single mum joked to The Mirror.

They admit that they are never tired of seeing people fall for their act. “It’s fun confusing people,” said Geeta.

“We’ve gone along with it a couple of times, pretending we’re sisters while talking to someone.

“Then we’ve told them the truth at the end of the night – and the looks on their faces when they realise I’m Malissa’s mother are priceless.

“I remember we were on holiday in Portugal once and booked a trip on a catamaran. As we sat down, someone turned around and said, ‘You two sisters look so alike’. I replied, ‘We’re mother and daughter’ and everyone turned around to look at us. “We all talked about it the entire boat trip,” said she to The Mirror.

After a waitress asks the lookalikes: “Is Mum coming?”, they revealed to have hilariously confused workers in a restaurant at Mother’s Day.

Geeta claims that strangers have asked her about Malissa and her relationship. She has even said they ask what “secrets” she uses to keep her young look.

“I wish I had one to share,” she said.

“But I just swear by moisturising and going to the gym three or four times a week. I’m lucky I have good genes. My dad’s in his 70s but looks 50.”

We’ve gone along with it a couple of times, pretending we’re sisters while talking to someone

GeetaThe Mirror

Malissa said that she finds it funny how much attention she receives because of her uncanny similarity to her mother.

“That’s what makes our nights out so hilarious. My mum and I enjoy clubbing together. It really does feel like I’m hanging out with a sister or best friend,” she said.

“When she started coming out with me and my friends, they loved having her there. She’s great fun, but when on a night out with a group now, Mum always leaves by 1am.

“She can’t hack the late nights any more. But she’s amazing –like my mum, sister and best friend all rolled into one.”

One mum stunned internet users by posing with her daughter, 20, and leaving them wondering which was which.

She claims that strangers cannot tell the parents apart despite their age difference of 19 years.

A mum and her daughter also described how, despite the two-decade age difference between them, they were mistaken as sisters when clubbing.

The Language of the PeopleMailOnline, the daughter, 20, said: “I love it, ‘It’s nice to see what I will most likely look like in 20 years time and she’s so beautiful, it’s a huge compliment.”

Some couples even attend Ibiza’s pool parties where their friendship is so obvious that they are mistakenly thought to be sisters.

Despite their 20 year age-gap, the mum-daughter team who work together, can’t resist going on boozy nights out and shocking strangers.


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