Paris Hilton Posts Viral TikTok With A Tom Cruise Deepfake


Paris Hilton Posts Viral TikTok With A Tom Cruise Deepfake

Since almost two years, Miles Fisher and Chris Umé have been posting deepfake videosTom Cruise has gone viral. Paris Hilton wants in. Paris Hilton has joined forces with the account to create a dream sequence. Top GunStar in a robe serenading her at the home. This is where we are right now. This’ll be a good one for the 2022 time capsule to look back on and try to explain to the kiddies.

Paris Hilton was recently in her place TikTok to share a video of herself and the deepfake Tom Cruise, and it’s already getting a lot of attention. In the post, Tom Cruise sings Elton John and Britney Spears’ “Hold Me Closer,”We are again blown away by this technology. You can see it here:

@parishilton(opens new tab)
♬ Hold Me Closer – Elton John & Britney Spears(opens new tab)

Paris Hilton questions the fake Tom Cruise in the video “sing that song again”As they sip from their mugs, they are both dressed in comfortable clothing. Miles Fisher, who has the interpolated face of Tom Cruise placed on the video in post, belts the song and it sounds just like Tom Cruise’s voice. As he continues to sing, he pulls some pink sunglasses out of his robe pocket, which goes on one of Paris Hilton’s pups as she holds it.

Hilton looks into it but Cruise says it when she stops singing. “good but not great,”He was told to keep his mouth shut. “stick to acting”Before walking away. Cruise agrees, as he sits alone. “Yeah, I probably should.” It’s a fun trippy video that had viewers saying “I’m very confused but I’m vibing” and “What is going on?”

With TikTok being as big as it is, it’s simply a TikTok collaboration that Paris Hilton and the deepfake Tom Cruise account “deeptomcruise”Want to make viral. The two accounts previously made a second video where Hilton and Cruise were going together to a premiere. It received 1.5 million views. Here’s the video:

@deeptomcruise(Opens in new tab
♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim(opens new tab)

It’s so convincing isn’t it? It all began when Miles Fisher started acting in Hollywood. He worked alongside actors such as Owen Wilson, Leonardo DiCaprio and Angelina Jolie. Every time he was told how much he looked similar to Tom Cruise, Fisher felt like a fool. While at first Fisher felt like he “failed” to always be compared to Cruise, he started to collaborate with VFX artist Chris Umé on the deepfake videos that now make up the TikTok account.

Since the deepfake Tom Cruise videos have gone viral, there’s also been some concerns out there about the right the boys have to imitate the actor’s likeness for their own viral success. Umé has shared that he’s emailed Cruise asking if they don’t like what he’s doingHe never got any word from them to take down their content. When asked about concerns regarding the technology, he said that he was not aware of them. Fisher called it “morally neutral,”He explained that he believes in the “the positive output will so far outweigh the negative, nefarious uses.”

Tom Cruise isn’t the only celebrity getting deepfakes done with their faces and likenesses. A Keanu Reeves opened a deepfake accountThis year, start early Bruce Willis is alleged to have sold his deepfake right following his retirement from acting, saying it’s a “great opportunity to go back in time.”Later, Willis’ representative shared with me that no such agreement was in place with Deepfake.

The fake Tom Cruise serenades Paris Hilton while the real Tom Cruise pulls off the biggest blockbuster in 2022. Maverick: Top GunAnother big one is on the horizon with the 2023 Movie Release, Mission: Impossible Part OneThe film will hit theaters on July 14th.


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