Never Fly Without Following the ‘Cabin Crew Rule’ – Avoid Crippling Pain After a Dentist Visit

Warning: Never Take a Flight After Visiting the Dentist

If you’ve ever thought about hopping on a plane right after seeing the dentist, think again. Surprisingly, dentists, flight attendants, and other airline personnel experience pain if they dare to fly within 24 hours of getting dental work done. The reason behind this surprising decision is to protect themselves from the dangers of air pockets formed in their teeth due to a change in air pressure during flight. But is this the only negative impact air travel can have on the human body? Let’s take a closer look at some aspects of flying that can affect your health, and how you can keep yourself in top shape while in the air.

Dental Dangers: The Impact of Air Pressure on Teeth

Studies have demonstrated that air pressure changes during flight can lead to the formation of air and gas pockets in teeth, causing discomfort and toothaches. So, make sure you schedule your dental appointments wisely before planning a trip.

The Gassy Side of Flying: Impact on Your Stomach

Jacob Rosenberg, a clinical professor at the University of Copenhagen, pointed out that passengers frequently experience increased flatulence while flying due to reduced cabin pressure. So, if you’re worried about being gassy on a flight, avoid high-fiber foods and opt for more carbohydrates before and during your travel to make the journey more comfortable for both yourself and your fellow passengers.

Germs Galore: Remaining Healthy While in the Air

You might not know this, but the chances of catching a cold while flying are a hundred times higher than in normal, everyday settings. As a result, it’s recommended to wear a mask while on board and drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and healthy during the flight. Additionally, avoid alcohol and caffeine and try to get as much rest as possible to minimize the negative impacts of flying on your overall health.
In conclusion, scheduling your dental appointments before a flight, making wise dietary choices, and taking extra care of your health can make your air travel experiences much more pleasant and comfortable.

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