The latest Telugu movie “Narappa” starring Venkatesh Daggubati and Priyamani is now streaming after its release on July 20 2021. This Telugu remake of the Tamil blockbuster movie “Asuran” is speaking its story based on a real-life incident “The Kilvenmani massacre” which happened in 1968. Here’s everything you need to know about the movie, cast, plot, where to watch and also, how to watch it online for free. Read on.
What is the plot of the Telugu movie Narappa?
Narappa is released as a period action drama movie and is directed by Srikanth Addala. The movie portrays the life of a family belonging to a suppressed caste and their problems created by an opulent landlord.
The movie adapts its story and screenplay by filmmaker Vetrimaaran based on the novel “Vekkai” by Poomani.
Who are the cast members of the Telugu movie Narappa?
Starring Venkatesh Daggubati in the lead role as Narappa, the movie features actors like Priyamani as Narappa’s wife, Karthik Rathnam as Narappa’s son, Abhirami, Rao Ramesh, Nassar, Rajeev Kanakala, among others.
When is the release date of the Telugu movie Narappa?
Narappa premiered on Amazon Prime Video on July 20 2021.
Where to watch “Narappa” Telugu full movie online for free?
You can watch the full movie “Narappa” on Amazon Prime Video. To watch the Telugu movie online for free, you can subscribe to Amazon Prime Video and start the free trial.
Prime Video subscription starts at Rs 329 for three months and also at Rs 999 for a year.
How to watch “Narappa” Telugu full movie online for free?
Narappa, the latest Telugu language action-drama movie is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. To watch it online for free, follow the simple steps given below.
- Firstly, visit the official website of Amazon Prime Video at or
- Click on the button “Start your free trial”.
- Sign in to your Amazon account.
- Enter your billing information by adding the payment method of your choice.
- Follow the prompts to start your 30-day free trial which can be cancelled anytime!
Now, you can watch Narappa Telugu full movie, online for free by activating the free trial of Amazon Prime Video.