Mum reveals hack to guide kids away from something fun with NO tantrums


STARTING with the terrible twos and the troublesome threes, kids’ tantrums tend to evolve over time, becoming increasingly stressful and unpleasant.

Dealing with tantrums can be difficult, regardless of whether your child cries, screams or lashes out. Luckily, one mum has found a hack that helps to prevent tantrums, and it’s absolutely genius.

Stephanie's little boy loves splashing in the puddles


Stephanie’s little boy loves splashing in the puddlesCredit: TikTok/@themossmomma_
The smart mum tries to make the transition exciting


The smart mum tries to make the transition excitingCredit: TikTok/@themossmomma_

Stephanie, who posts on TikTok as @themossmomma_, shared a simple hack that helps to put a stop to tears when telling a toddler that it’s time to stop doing a fun activity, like jumping in puddles.

In the now-viral video captioned: ‘Does your toddler hate leaving fun places? Try these transition tips”, the mum explains how she put a stop to tantrums and made transitioning a toddler away from an activity without tears easier.

She explains: “Mummy’s going to count to 10 and then we’re all done with the puddle.”

Her little boy can be seen splashing in the puddles, soaking himself and his clothes, while having the best time.

The calm mum slowly counts to 10 while her sun splashes about, and then says: “Our puddles are all done!”

She follows up with: “Immanuel, it’s time to walk to the house.”

The mum asks her son: “Do you want to hop or do you want to skip?”

The little boys quickly choose to skip to the house and the pair move away from the puddle towards the house.

The smart mum explains: “Connect with your child and stay encouraging.”

The mum also explains that it’s important to ‘stay calm’ if the child tries to turn around and go back to the activity.

She says: “It doesn’t mean they are being defiant.”

Lots of other parents praised the smart mum’s hack.

One person commented: “I noticed asking him to choose whether to hop or skip distracted him. Instead of thinking about leaving the puddle, he was thinking about his decision. Beautifully done.”

Another said: “The way he paused and looked up to decide on jump or skip!”

One said: “My fav trick is the choice method. Ask toddler ‘do you want 5 more minutes or 1 more minute?’ They’ll say 5. Then after 5 minutes, they won’t want to.”

Another added: “This is the PERFECT way to make a transition. Allow choice but the choices presented are all options that you as the parent want them to pick!”

The mum explains that it's important to encourage your child


The mum explains that it’s important to encourage your childCredit: TikTok/@themossmomma_
The little boy happily skips off


The little boy happily skips offCredit: TikTok/@themossmomma_

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Mum, 27, reveals how she stops her toddler’s tantrum in less than one SECOND


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