Marvel nearly made another person the Black Panther in Wakanda Forever


Wakanda Forever It is entering its third weekend of box office success $580,000,000 Already in its bank accounts. This makes it Black Panther 2 This is a highly successful MCU movie people are eager to watch in theatres. It’ll be a while until it hits Disney Plus too, so the only way to find out who the next Black Panther is after T’Challa’s (Chadwick Boseman) passing is to go to a theater near you.

You can also read all the spoilers, as the next Black Panther’s identity is no longer a secret now that the sequel is playing in theaters. Marvel considered multiple characters for the role of the next Black Panther. Not just the person who wears it in the end. Wakanda Forever.

You will find spoilers below, so you’d better avoid them if you’ve somehow managed to keep the events in Wakanda Forever It’s a little secret.

Is there a new Black Panther?

Chadwick Borseman, who died just a few months before Marvel started the sequel’s development, passed away during the summer 2020. It was necessary to revise the script. Wakanda Forever While considering whether or not to remake the title character. It eventually decided not to recast T’Challa, although the film’s credits scene also lets Marvel bring a new T’Challa character into this world.

As for the next Black Panther, expectations have run rampant since Boseman’s passing. Shuri (Letitia Frank Wright), who plays the role of Black Panther in Comics, was considered to be the most likely choice. But rumors also suggested that M’Baku (Winston Duke) could be a challenger for the role.

Shuri (Letitia Wright) in the first Black Panther: Wakanda Forever trailer.
Shuri (Letitia Frank) in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’s first trailer. Image Source: Marvel Studios

Marvel has another problem, despite fan speculations and unverified reports. Wakanda Forever. You don’t become Black Panther by just wearing a high-tech suit. This is how you become Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.).

Black Panthers must have the same strength as a Black Panther, but without the suit. That only happens when you take a potion with the sacred herb. After the events of the first, Wakanda had become extinct from the miracle plant. Black Panther movie.

Ultimately, it was Shuri who recreated the herb, drank the potion, and became Wakanda’s super-powered protector.

Marvel’s other hero options for Wakanda Forever

Nate Moore, a Marvel producer, stated in an interview Shuri was his only choice for the MCU.

“It was the only conversation we had,” He elaborated. “Calls for M’Baku or Okoye [(Danai Gurira)] or Nakia [(Lupita Nyong’o)] seemed a bit like throwing darts at a dartboard for me… And Letitia Wright nails it.”

However, Wakanda Forever Joe Robert Cole is Joe’s co-author Accepted Rolling Stone that Marvel looked at other characters potentially becoming the MCU’s next Black Panther:

We would kick around the ideas, and try to extrapolate where the story goes and what’s the most impactful choice — what’s the best journey? Then, where would you take these characters after the movie? M’Baku certainly was someone that got kicked around a little bit. I think you’re correct because in the comics, Shuri is Black Panther and there’s a natural organicness, I guess is the best way to say it, to her becoming Panther. You try out all kinds of ideas. And you just want to make the best decision and do what’s best for the story. […]

[Nakia] She got kicked about! She was sure to get kicked.

Marvel decided to choose the most Black Panther character for their story. This gave us an intricate Shuri arc. She’s clearly not her brother, and it’ll be interesting to see what she does next, especially if the world’s powers attack Wakanda Forever For vibranium

As for M’Baku, the character appears to be the new King of Wakanda after the events in Wakanda Forever. He doesn’t have to become the nation’s protector for that. And Nakia is the mother of the future King T’Challa, and a more than worthy spy ready to protect her country at any time.

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