Man Buys $86 Engagement Ring, People Say It’s ‘So Small’ and Fiancée Shouldn’t Bother Wearing It


True love is only once in a lifetime. When one couple decided to marry, they didn’t care about the materialistic details. Others, however, criticized their minimalist approach.

The priceless gift of love is yours. While many couples dream about a grand wedding, others prefer a simple affair. Romantic duos may choose to forgo the big day celebrations and instead elope to an exotic island or historic locale.

Another change was the preference for simple and plain wedding rings. Many commenters are still stuck on the norms and cannot celebrate with those who go against the grain.

A man puts a ring on the finger of a woman. | Source: Shutterstock


One woman posted a picture of her engagement rings to a Facebook wedding group. She was excited that other brides would also share in her joy. Her ring held one diamond and was delicately dainty.

She was thrilled to be able to wear the jewelry for the rest her life. JSV Concepts, an Etsy seller, sold the item in a variety of designs.

The bride opted for a gold-styled ring that cost £71 (about $86). She :

“My [boyfriend] and I ordered my ring online and I am in LOVE with it!”

Couple gets engaged in a cafe | Source: Shutterstock


The photo received hundreds of responses. Many weren’t from people congratulating her. Many comments showed that her engagement ring was not well received by netizens. CallingIt “so small.”

They are also condemned “the material society”The size of a diamond is not as important as the love and commitment that went into it.

Online users made sexist comparisons, claiming that the piece looked like a combination of tin foil & a paperclip. The woman was shocked and heartbroken, and could not believe the cruelness of some people.


The comments section was a disaster, with one user asking a demoralizing question. “Why even bother having a diamond there?”They Ask.

Someone else : “So take that keyring off your finger and show us the ring you ordered online.”Netizens were also puzzled by the bride’s fuss over her minimalist ring. One commenter suggested that it was a common problem. Additional:

“I have assembled my colleagues of world-class physicists and astronomers, we are building new instrumentation so we can see your [expletive] ring.”


There are a lot of trolls around. So calledHer engagement ring “pitiful”And “sad,”There were many kind strangers who shared the joy of the bride and gave an important message.

Netizens saw beyond the expectations of many others online. He also defended the couple. They are also condemned “the material society”The size of a diamond is not as important as the love and commitment that went into it.

One person Not noted:

“Not everyone thinks bigger is better or likes to show off. I think it’s perfect in every way. It’s not about cost or size, it’s the thought, the trust & the bond between them that matters.”


Another couple received a lot of hate after they announced their engagement on Instagram. They regretted not sharing their news on Instagram as it received numerous negative comments which ruined their excitement.

The bride-to be expressed her love for the ring but she did not show it. Trolls couldn’t help but leave hurtful opinions.. The response shocked the New York food bloggers.

Jen Phanomrat couldn’t be happier with Leo Samanamud’s unique pearl and golden ring. They were finally getting married after nine years of being together. The piece of jewelry was the perfect choice.

THE PERFECT Ring for Her

Phanomrat was a chef so an extravagant ring wouldn’t have been feasible. Netizens still weighed in to offer their opinions. One user : “Very happy, except that’s the smallest ring I’ve ever seen.”

Another commenter added: “It must suck to wait nine years for a ring that looks like that.”Phanomrat stood firm against the hatred and supported her husband. :

“He knew exactly what type of ring I’d love. A delicate, hammered gold ring with a tiny pearl. I don’t usually wear any jewellery, but when I do, it’s simple and minimal.”


The food blogger did not delete the comment section, and she kept the engagement message on her social media. She was not interested in seeing hateful comments and did not want to receive cruel comments.

A few netizens wished Phanomrat, Samanamud a happy future. One commenter :

“Congratulations! The ring is special and perfect for you both… That’s what matters.”

The internet can be cruel and not everyone is happy to share the joy that others are experiencing. These stories are a reminder to choose kindness over the evil side of the web.

You can click here to read another article about an engagement ring that went viral. It was the only thing a man could afford and the woman he loved was delighted to receive it.

The store employee mocked the couple’s choice and made them feel unworthy. They shared their experience via Facebook and the bride taught others a valuable lesson about loving.


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