Magoo is Melvin Barcliff. Rapper’s reported death at 50 leaves fans heartbroken


Magoo is Melvin Barcliff. Rapper’s reported death at 50 leaves fans heartbroken

The social media are flooded by tributes paid to the rapper Magoo, real name Melvin Barcliff. This follows reports that claimed he had died at age 50.

Many fans post a tribute when rap stars they love pass away. Most recently, Twitter was flooded with tributes for Timbaland’s collaborator Magoo after several reports alleging he has died surfaced online. Magoo had been a popular rapper during the 90s. However, his popularity has declined in recent years.

What is Melvin Barcliff, aka Magoo the rapper?

Melvin Barcliff, better known as Magoo, was born in Norfolk Virginia. His work with Timbaland was his most notable contribution. Melvin Magoo began to dabble in music when he was a teenager. Melvin got his music start with S.B.I. The group (Surrounded By Idiots), which included Timbaland and Pharrell as members, also featured Larry Live.

He became part of the rap duo Timbaland & Magoo in the 90s. Magoo was a member of Timbaland & Magoo in the 90s. He wrote many hits as part of this duo including Up Jumps da Boogie. The duo’s rise to fame came after their debut single Up Jumps da’ Boogie, and their album, Welcome to Our World. This album sold over one million copies, launching both Magoo as well Timbaland into global stardom. Magoo collaborated with Missy elliott throughout his long and successful career.

The 2020 Interview with YouKnowIgotSoul, the star revealed that he hated the ‘celebrity’ aspect of making music, hence always preferred staying lowkey. The star revealed that his production company worked with Justin Timberlake, Madonna and other artists after his years as Timbaland Magoo.

Rapper dies aged 50

Recording artist Smoke E. Digglera and Digital Black of the hip-hop group Playa were the first to report rapper Magoo’s death. “Man can’t believe this RIH Magoo damn big bro wasn’t ready for this at all #superfriends,” Digital Black said. “I’m fkd up! R.I.P. Magoo,” Smoke E. Digglera Writer On his Instagram.

Many outlets, including hip-hop based accounts on social media, have shared the news since then. At the time this article was written, his cause of death had not been reported. The rapper only had 50 years of age. Magoo’s collaborator Timbaland is yet to comment on the reports of his death.

Many Twitter users mourned their favorite rapper.

Fans mourn Magoo’s reported death

Many fans were shocked to hear about Magoo’s death.

“I’ve been sitting on this news for a while, praying that it was just rumors, but it seems confirmed. Magoo is no longer with us. I’ll ALWAYS be there for him, as he was my hometown idol. Here’s why he meant a lot to me,” one fan said.

“Man. I’ll never forget exactly where I was when I first heard “Luv 2 Luv U” on the radio. It’s own world. It’s own world. R.I.P. Magoo. Rapper Magoo Dies, But His Legacy Never Will” another hip hop lover said.

A fan was surprised to find a news article about Magoo’s death. He thought he was being featured in the media for his Hip Hop 50th anniversary celebrations.

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