Just leaked details about Doctor Strange 2’s credits scene


Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness continues to be the talk of the town as we approach the movie’s release date. We continue to receive exciting leaks about this film, with just two months remaining until its May 6th premiere. This latest leak details the purported location of the film’s “The Last Stand.” Doctor Strange 2Credit scenes, showing some of the most exciting cameos.

This isn’t the first time the film’s credits scenes leaked, but there are some new details this time around. However, before we explain what could happen in these highly anticipated post-credit scenes, we’ll warn you that Big Doctor Strange 2Spoilers may be found below.

Multiverse of MadnessLeakage in plot

We can’t look at the new Doctor Strange 2 credits scene before reminding you that there’s a big Multiverse of MadnessThere is a plot leak that is believed to have been accurate.

Additional scenes were shown in the Super Bowl trailer. These scenes seem to confirm that the plot leak we saw last autumn is accurate.

It is important to note any recent developments when looking at these plot leaks. Marvel performed a number of reshoots which might have altered the plot. Doctor Strange 2 storyline — especially when it comes to cameos. This means that the plot leak for fall 2021 could contain details that have changed in the reshoots.

We’ve already looked at that Doctor Strange 2 plot leak in great detail, so we won’t explain it again. This link will take you to the full article.

But we’ll remind you of the post-credits scene that that plot leak mentioned:

Clea asks for assistance after Post Credit is Strange becomes corrupted.

We now have the new Doctor Strange 2Scene from the post-credits 4chan. As always, with these sources, we’ll remind you that they can’t be confirmed at this time. It is possible that we are looking at fan fiction and not the actual scenes from the movie. There are some other similar leaks. 4chanThey have been proven to be accurate.

Doctor Strange 2 Super Bowl Trailer
Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), using the Eye of Agamoto Image Source: Marvel Studios

The new Doctor Strange 2Credits scenes leak

According to a leaker, the film will have two credits scenes:

Mid Credit Scene – Strange is sleeping after the events of Multiverse of Madness and he has a nightmare where he sees a himself training an apprentice, a ruined New York City, a dead Wong, Dormammu’s Sister Umar and a glimpse of Kang the Conqueror. After waking up, he has a third eye. He hears Clea (played beautifully by Charlize Thoron) calling him. ‘Help Me.’

End Credit Scene – Deadpool along with Cable, Domino, and Vanessa are exploring the Illuminati facility due to the Illuminati’s multiversal gates being left open after the Wanda fight. Deadpool jokes with some of the members, including a reference to The Office.

Deadpool then makes a joke/4th wall break about Patrick Stewart’s Professor X being dead again for the 3rd time.

As you can see the scene in the middle credits is very similar to that shown in the big plot leak. Either way, 4chan leaker has accurate information on hand, or they’re just using content from previous leaks, including claims that Charlize Theron might play Clea.

But the second Doctor Strange 2The credits scene is even more fascinating. Redditors ObserveThis new scene in the post credits aligns with a leaker. According to a Marvel insider, Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds), and his friends will be appearing in the movie.

The same leaker had been reported earlier Reddit had already predicted the roles of the biggest actors in Doctor Strange 2Scenes from credits

That said, we’ll have to wait until May 6th to see if any of this leaked information pans out.


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