Joy Anna Duggar Forsyth Invites People to The Gun Show And Flaunts Toned Biceps! Duggar Family


FormerCounting onJoy-Anna Duggar Forsyth is now looking for something new to fill her free time. The mom of two revealed that she’s been working on something behind the scenes, and she’s recently met a major goal she set. It was also a great opportunity to show fans more skin than usual at the gun show.

Joy-Anna competed in a triathlon recently, as we reported. Family members and friends cheered her on and congratulated her. Joy-Anna stated in her caption that she has been training for a few months for the triathlon. It was exciting to see her hard work finally paying off.

She writes: “I’ve realized that I tend to put myself in a box, thinking ‘I could never do that, ‘only athletic people can accomplish that’, etc… but, it is incredible what some determination, encouragement and setting goals can do!”

She then added: “And I’m amazed at what the human body is capable of… just a few months ago I couldn’t even swim forward in a pool and was worn out after running for 1 min and here I am doing a triathlon!!🤯 All of that to say, what are some things that you have wanted to do that you keep telling yourself that you can’t?”

Joy Anna Duggar Forsyth Invites People to The Gun Show And Flaunts Toned Biceps! Duggar Family

Joy-Anna Forsyth is proud of her toned body.

Joy-Anna shared photos of herself wearing a black tank during the triathlon. Her strong biceps are visible in the photos she shared. While she’s been training for the triathlon, she’s also been caring for her two young kids, Gideon and Evelyn. Her kids were a big help in her preparation for the triathlon.

Joy-Anna noted in her caption that she worked hard to get to the event. Fans are now recognizing her hard work and how great she looks. One fan comments, “Dang you must have also been lifting weights. Go, girl!”Similar comments were made by others about her toned biceps.

On Facebook19 Scandals & Countingreposted Joy-Anna’s photos, writing, “Check out her guns in the second photo.”

Slowly but surely, Joy-Anna has been abandoning her parents’ strict beliefs and has started dressing how she would like to. She wore shorts and a tank in a recent photo.

So, are you impressed by Joy-Anna Forsyth‘s big accomplishment? What do you think about her impressive achievements? We’d love to hear your opinions in the comments section below.