Joe Rogan hears Jordan Peterson say that there is no climate, and that everyone is confused

Joe Rogan hears Jordan Peterson say that there is no climate, and that everyone is confused

Jordan Peterson, author and clinical psychologist, spoke to Joe Rogan “there’s no such thing as climate”The internet is confused.

Peterson was dressed in a bowtie and tuxedo on Tuesday for a four-hour-long event Interview for Joe Rogan’s podcast.

Rogan was asked how he prepares to interview authors.

“I usually read their book. I have two books that I’m reading right now that are future people that are coming in February,” Rogan said.

He also added: “One of them is a climate change book, and it’s intense, and so it’s requiring a lot of thinking, and then I have to like look at the criticisms of this guy and criticisms of the work – who believes in 10 years that Miami is going to be underwater, who believes that this is probably hyperbole and that it’s a gross exaggeration and the reality is the world sort of always goes through these cycles of change but human beings are definitely having an effect on it, but a small effect compared to cows and other things… The climate change one is a weird one.”

Peterson shared an opinion at the end Rogan’s statement that will leave people on all sides of climate change discussion perplexed: that climate is not real.

“There’s no such thing as climate,”Peterson stated. “Climate and everything are the same word, and that’s what bothers me about the climate change types. It’s like, this is something that bothers me about it, technically. It’s like climate is about everything. OK. But your models aren’t based on everything. Your models are based on a set number of variables.

“So that means you’ve reduced the variables — which are everything — to that set. How did you choose which set of variables to include? It’s not about ?…. Because your models can’t and won’t model everything.

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“What does it mean to say everything?”” Rogan asked.

“We need to make changesEverything… The same with the word environment. This word can mean so much it’s almost meaningless.” Peterson said. “As when you say EverythingIt’s like a sense of meaninglessness. What is the difference? environment Everything? It doesn’t make any difference.

“So this is a crisis of everything?”Peterson also answered his own question before adding: “It’s like, no, it’s not. Or if it is, if it really is, then we’re done because we can’t fix everything.”

“What they mean, specifically, is… what human beings are doing that’s causing the Earth to warm,” Rogan said.

“But you have to include all these factors in the model to determine that,”Peterson responded.

People quickly piled in criticism.

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