Jesse Watters, Fox News’s Fox News correspondent, dismisses the Paul Pelosi attack because ‘a lot people get hit with Hammers’


Jesse Watters, Fox News host has condemned the police response in the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul. “a lot of people get attacked with hammers.”

Paul, aged 82, was attacked in his home with a hammer on Friday. Pelosi was required to go to hospital for severe injuries. He is expected to make a complete recovery.

Since then, the culprit has been identified as 42 year-old David DePape. William Scott, Chief of Police in San Francisco, told reporters that DePape faces multiple charges, including attempted murder.

Watters, however, believes DePape should not be treated differently to other attackers. Fox News interviewed him and he stated: “I want the alleged perpetrator treated exactly as if he had assaulted anyone else.”

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“Many people are hit with hammers. There are many people who get attacked. Many times they are released on bail and the assault charge is dismissed.”

“This is why I don’t understand how this guy is treated differently. He’s facing, what? Attempted homicide. He is currently in prison. People assault people all the time with all sorts of weapons, and they are released the next day.

“I don’t know why this guy is getting all of a sudden special treatment or different treatment because the victim was so high profile.”

Watter’s comments evoked horror in many.

Watters continued to state that “thank god the police were there”Before adding the Democrats to their ranks, “defunded the police”San Francisco

President Joe Biden condemned DePape’s attack on Pelosi. “Where’s Nancy?”Echoing the words of the insurrectionists during the Jan 6th Capitol Riot.

Biden said: “This is despicable. There’s no place in America. There’s too much violence political violence too much hatred, too much vitriol. And what makes us think one party can talk about stolen elections, Covid being a hoax, [that it’s] all a bunch of lies, and it not affect people who may not be so well balanced? What makes us think that it’s not going to alter the political climate? Enough is enough is enough.”

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