Jennifer Garner, Sketchy Source Claims ‘Shaken To The Core’ By Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner’s Wedding


It is Jennifer GarnerIt is difficult to accept the reality of this situation. Ben Affleck Jennifer Lopez‘s recent wedding news? One tabloid claims the Alias star is still in shock. Let’See how Garner handles the big news.

Jennifer Garner Feeling ‘Jolted’By Bennifer Wedding

This week, National Enquirer Jennifer Garner was stunned to hear that Ben Affleck had married Jennifer Lopez during a surprise Las Vegas wedding. “Jennifer would never rain on Ben’s parade publicly—least of all at a time like this—and she respects his decisions, but it’s an open secret she doesn’t care for J.Lo and she’s skeptical whether this is the right long-term match,”An insider’s view.

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“She’s still processing the news and very shocked and kind of devastated, partly because she didn’t think he’d go through with it, but also because of her feelings toward J.Lo. Now Jen has to deal with the annoying prospect of a lot more one-on-one time with J.Lo, and that’s going to be awkward and uncomfortable!”

A final note: The magazine insists that Affleck was only rushing through the ceremony in an effort to please Lopez. “Ben didn’t really have much of a choice in this if he wanted to stay with her,”The tipster makes the remarks. “She’s now pushing him hard for a follow-up ceremony in L.A. that’ll be monumentally expensive and fit for Hollywood royalty. She really does see her and Ben as a modern-day Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton!”

Jennifer Garner is a dreadful writer ‘Uncomfortable’Interactions with J.Lo

The National Enquirer We must have thought we were born yesterday. Jennifer Garner didn’t wake up to the surprise news that Affleck and Lopez had tied the knot. The actress is still the mother of Affleck’s three children, so we have to assume he kept her in the loop on his plans. According to multiple reports, some of Affleck and Garner’s children They were in fact present at the Vegas ceremony, so we’re sure their mother was made aware at some point before it actually happened.

That was confirmed further by Lopez and Affleck. Their entire family was whisked away on their Parisian honeymoon. Are we supposed to believe that Garner didn’t know this trip was coming, or—even more baffling—that she had a problem with it? Because we just don’t see Garner letting Affleck take all three of her children an ocean away to celebrate a wedding that she didn’t approve of without putting up a fight.

Garner is, as far as we know, a good choice. AlwaysLopez and Affleck received her support. Of course, she just wants her children’s father to be happy, sober, and a steady presence in their lives. Since Affleck has been all of those things during his time with Lopez, we don’t see any reason Garner would be “shaken to the core”By their union.

More Jennifer Garner Rumors

This is far from the first time we’ve caught the National Enquirer In a fabrication about Jennifer Garner. According to the outlet, Garner reluctantly accepted John Miller’s return after he gave her expensive gifts. Then the magazine claimed Garner had a meltdown over the news of Affleck and Lopez’s engagement. A few months later, the magazine claimed Lopez and Garner were having a heated parenting discussion. Evidently, the Get in touch There is no authoritative source on the AffleckGarner family.

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